Radioactivity and mineralogy of the altered granites of the Wadi Ghadir shear zone, South Eastern De

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hdyear
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Quartz-diorite, gneissose granodiorites, two-mica granite and perthite leucogranie are the main rock units cropping out in the Wadi Ghadir area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt. Along the NNE-SSW mega-faults, a broad brittle shear zone is developed in the Ghadir two-mica granite. Brittle deformation is manifested by severe myloniti-zation and alteration of these granites. These sheared altered granites are characterized by the presence of radioactive mineralization, associated with alteration features such as silicification, hematization and kaolinitization. Radioelement measurements revealed that the unaltered and altered two-mica granites are considered as uraniferous granites. The average uranium and thorium contents in the unaltered two-mica granites are 12.29×10-6 and 19.81×10-6, respectively, and the average Th/U ratio is 1.62. The altered granites exhibit higher concentrations of U (averaging 97.949), but have lower Th and Th/U ratios (13.83 and 0.16, respectively), which indicates uranium enrichment in the granites. Binary relations of eTh/eU against either eU or eTh and eU with eTh in the studied gran-ites suggest that the distribution of radioactive elements not only magmatic (positive correlation between eU and eTh), but also due to hydrothermal redistribution of radioelements (weak correlation between eU and eTh/eU). The magmatic U and Th are indicated by the presence of uraninite, thorite, zircon and monazite whereas the evidence of hydrothermal mineralization is the alteration of rock-forming minerals such as feldspar and the forma-tion of secondary minerals such as uranophane and pyrite. Microscopic, XRD and scanning electron microscopic studies revealed the presence of uraninite, uranophane, thorite, Ce-monazite and zircon, in addition to phlogopite-fluor mica in the studied altered granites of the Wadi Ghadir shear zone. Quartz-diorite, gneissose granodiorites, two-mica granite and perthite leucogranie are the main rock units cropping out in the Wadi Ghadir area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt. Along the NNE-SSW mega-faults, a broad brittle shear zone is developed in the Ghadir two-mica granite. Brittle deformation is manifested by severe myloniti-zation and alteration of these granites. These sheared altered granites are characterized by the presence of radioactive mineralization, associated with alteration features such as silicification, hematization and kaolinitization. that the unaltered and altered two-mica granites are considered as uraniferous granites. The average uranium and thorium contents in the unaltered two-mica granites are 12.29 × 10-6 and 19.81 × 10-6, respectively, and the average Th / U ratio is 1.62. The altered granites exhibit higher concentrations of U (averaging 97.949), but have lower Th and Th / U ratios (13.83 and 0.16, respectively), which indica tes uranium enrichment in the granites. Binary relations of eTh / eU against eT or eU with eTh in the studied gran-ites suggest that the distribution of radioactive elements not only magmatic (positive correlation between eU and eTh), but also due to hydrothermal redistribution of radioelements (weak correlation between eU and eTh / eU). The magmatic U and Th are indicated by the presence of uraninite, thorite, zircon and monazite while the evidence of hydrothermal mineralization is the alteration of rock-forming minerals such as feldspar and the forma-tion of secondary minerals such as uranophane and pyrite. Microscopic, XRD and scanning electron microscopic studies revealed the presence of uraninite, uranophane, thorite, Ce-monazite and zircon, in addition to phlogopite-fluor mica in the studied altered granites of the Wadi Ghadir shear zone.
本文阐述了高中英语词汇教学现状以及英语词汇教学实践中存在问题,提出新的词汇教学方法“听音辨义”,“联觉音组”(phonaesthemes)和“词缀记忆法”(affixation),目的是提高高中生英语词汇记忆的速度和效率,灵活运用所学词汇。   语言学家威尔金斯(Wilkins)曾说过:“没有词汇,就无所谓句子,更无所谓语言(Without vocabulary, nothing can be
本文结合教学实例,就关联理论对英语翻译教学法的启示进行了一些探讨。首先简要介绍关联理论中的一些基本概念,如语境、推理和最佳关联等。然后阐述英语教学中翻译法的应用。认为从关联理论的角度来探讨英语翻译教学法能够有助于更好地开展教学,提高学习效率。   一、引言    1986年,语言学家Sperber和Wlison合著的《关联性:交际与认知》(Relevance: Communicatio
在口语交际训练中,不仅要培养学生的口头表达能力,还要注重培养学生在生活实践中与人交流的意识、能力和习惯,其最突出的特点是人与人之间的互动。这充分体现了语文的交际功能。而口语交际正是小学语文教学围绕全面提高学生语文综合素养所设置的一项教学内容。那么,本人就口语交际的重要性和怎么多角度培养学生的口语交际能力等方面的探讨,来谈谈自己的一些见解。  一、小学生口语交际的现状及分析  口语交际是母语教学中的
摘 要:乡土美术是小学美术教师利用其所在教学地域的直接可见的民族美术素材,培养学生动手能力、环保意识以及创新思想,乡土资源要素丰富,随用随取,又具有鲜明的地域色彩。乡土美术与环境相协调,学生可自由创作,大胆联想,既有利于学生充分感受自己家乡的文化气息与文化特点,又有利于培养学生的创新意识和创新能力。  关键词:乡土美术;乡土资源;创新能力;教学  一、引言  乡土美术通常具有十分鲜明的传承性和地域
摘 要:在小学语文教学的过程中,如果课堂缺少灵活性,即使是再好的老师也会感到非常困扰,传统的教学模式渐渐地已经无法与如今个性越来越活泼、思想越来越灵活的小学生们相适应,那么该如何使用先进的信息技术对小学语文课堂的教学管理模式进行优化也渐渐地也成为了很多老师与学校管理者共同努力的方向。  关键词:信息技术;小学语文;教学管理;优化  当前教育管理信息化渐渐地已经在小学当中得到了普及,这无疑是给非常传
力学中三类常见的力:重力、弹力、摩擦力,特别是静摩擦力,这是高考中常考的内容.由于静摩擦力随物体的相对运动趋势发生变化,在分析中非常容易失误,同学们一定要下功夫把静摩擦力弄清楚.共点力作用下物体的平衡,是高中物理中重要的问题,几乎是年年必考.单纯考查本章内容多以选择、填空为主,难度适中,与其他章节结合的则以综合题出现,也是今后高考的方向.力与物体平衡考点突出有以下几个问题.  问题一 弄清滑动摩擦