Simultaneously Enhanced Activity and Selectivity for C( sp3 )–H Bond Oxidation Under Visible Light b

来源 :天津大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woheni123abc
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Selective oxidation of saturated C( sp 3 )–H bonds in hydrocarbon to target chemicals under mild conditions remains a signifi-cant but challenging task because of the chemical inertness and high dissociation energy of C( sp 3 )–H bonds. Semiconductor photocatalysis can induce the generation of holes and oxidative radicals, offering an alternative way toward selective oxidation of hydrocarbons under ambient conditions. Herein, we constructed N-doped TiO 2 nanotubes (N-TNTs) that exhibited remark-able activity and selectivity for toluene oxidation under visible light, delivering the conversion of toluene and selectivity of benzaldehyde of 32% and > 99%, respectively. Further mechanistic studies demonstrated that the incorporation of nitrogen induced the generation of N-doping level above the O 2 p valance band, directly contributing to the visible-light response of TiO 2 . Furthermore, hydroxyl radicals generated by photogenerated holes at the orbit of O 2 p were found to be unselective for the oxidation of toluene, affording both benzaldehyde and benzoic acid. The incorporation of nitrogen was able to inhibit the generation of hydroxyl radicals, terminating the formation of benzoic acid.
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■  【摘 要】随着时代进步和教育发展,保障学生的全面发展是教学的目标,这也是学生被国家社会所接受的基础。课堂教学是我国最为主要的教学阵地,学生通过课堂教学可以去了解学科、掌握知识、从而保障学生的整体学习和后续发展。  【关键词】小学数学;课堂交流;生本课堂;教学策略  中图分类号:G623.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0493-2099(2021)19-0070-02  A Brief