学者生涯彼得·德鲁克(Peter Ferdinand Drucker,1909.11.19~2005.11.11),1909年生于维也纳,祖籍荷兰,1937年移居美国,终身以教书、著书和咨询为业,是当代最出色的管理学者之一,被誉为“现代管理学之父”。《纽约时报》赞誉他为“当代最具启发性的思想家”。德鲁克一生笔耕不辍,共著书39本,在《哈佛商业评论》发表文章30余篇。他曾发誓:“如果我能活到80岁,我要写到80岁。”彼得.德鲁克出生于奥匈帝国统治下的维也纳,其家族在17世纪时就从事书籍出版工作。父亲是奥国负责文化事务
Scholar career Peter Ferdinand Drucker (1909.11.19 ~ 2005.11.11), born in Vienna in 1909, native Holland, immigrated to the United States in 1937. He is the best contemporary student in teaching, writing and consulting One of the management scholars, known as “the father of modern management ”. The New York Times praised him as “the most enlightened thinker in the world.” Drucker never stop writing, a total of 39 books in the “Harvard Business Review,” published more than 30 articles. He vowed: “If I could live to be 80 years old, I would write 80.” Peter Drucker was born in Vienna under the Austro-Hungarian rule and his family worked as a book publisher in the 17th century. My father is responsible for cultural affairs in Austria