
来源 :语数外学习(英语教育) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weistiger
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自2001年《英语课程标准(实验稿)》实施以来,全国各地有多种不同的教材出现,英语教学有了很大的改进和提高。最近几年的一些教材,在编写上就忽视了对英语语法的分层次呈现,也没有为学生提供必要的充分的练习材料;一些教师在教学过程中也就忽视了对英语语法的系统讲授,也没有让学生有足够的时间消化所学语法知识。以致一些学生在初中三年之后,对英语动词的最基本的时态还是含混不清。但事实上,无论是2001年的《课标(实验稿)》还是2011年的《义务教育英语课程标准》,对语法都有明确的要求。实践证明,抛开语法也不可能学好英语,因为依据语法,单词、短语、句子才能正确地结合和应用,语法对于规范语言有不可或缺的必然的指导作用。正确地掌握了语法知识,学生在听、说、读、写等语言实践活动过程中,才可能有效地提高准确性。而动词时态的教学又是语法教学中最基本最重要的一项,也是达到听、说、读、写目标的必不可少的一环。掌握好《英语课程标准》所要求的八种基本语法时态,是学好初中英语的基础,也是进一步学习中、高级英语的前提。本文就当前英语时态教学的状况进行了简要的分析,就对比法在初中动词时态教学中的应用,谈了自己的教学实践所得,希望能对英语时态教学起到一定的启示作用。 Since the implementation of “English Curriculum Standard (experimental draft)” in 2001, there have been many different teaching materials all over the country, and English teaching has been greatly improved and improved. Some teaching materials in recent years have ignored the hierarchical presentation of English grammar when writing, nor have they provided students with necessary and sufficient training materials. Some teachers neglected to systematically teach English grammar in the teaching process, Did not allow students enough time to digest the knowledge of grammar. As a result, some students have been vaguely confused about the most basic tenses of English verbs after three years of junior high school. However, in fact, both the “course standard (experimental draft)” in 2001 and the “compulsory education English course standard” in 2011 all have clear requirements on grammar. Practice proves that it is impossible to learn English well without grammar, because words, phrases and sentences can be correctly combined and applied according to grammar. Grammar has indispensable and inevitable guiding function for standardizing language. Correctly grasp the grammar knowledge, students in listening, speaking, reading, writing and other language practice activities, it may effectively improve the accuracy. The teaching of verb tense is one of the most basic and important aspects of grammar teaching and an indispensable part of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Grasping the eight basic grammar tense required by the English Curriculum Standard is the basis for learning English well in junior middle schools and also a prerequisite for further study of intermediate and advanced English. This article briefly analyzes the current situation of English tense teaching, and discusses the application of the comparative method in the tense teaching of junior middle school verbs, and expresses its own teaching practice income in the hope of enlightening the teaching of English tense.
如何做好高考英语总复习工作?如何完善学生的英语知识储备库?如何提升学生的英语运用能力?这些问题笔者将在下文依循三个板块的复习进行详细论述。 How to do a good job in