Encountering Deconstructive Propensities in J.M. Coetzee's Foe: An Anatomization on Dualistic P

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Contextualizing his Foe(1986) in the backdrop of South African post- apartheid, Coetzee manipulates multifarious postmodern narrative ploys to purloin, rewrite and widen the canon Robinson Crusoe. In plural demonstrations of dualistic patterns, this novel emphatically unravels Coetzee’s textual subversion of the traditional overarching“western logocentrism”or“metaphysics of presence”via catechizing and debilitating the orthodoxy of the white supremacy as well as the male superiority.This detailed analysis, giving a Derridean reading, purports to anatomize and deconstruct the binary oppositions of Self/ Other,White/Black, and Man/Woman among Cruso, Friday and Susan Barton, and reach Coetzee’s veritable concerns: to dissolve the Imperialist hierarchy and hegemony, to waive racial enclosure, and to build a dialogue that open up a real respect and coexistence for both the centered and the marginalized. Contextualizing his Foe (1986) in the backdrop of South African post-apartheid, Coetzee manipulates multifarious postmodern narrative ploys to purloin, rewrite and widen the canon Robinson Crusoe. In plural demonstrations of dualistic patterns, this novel emphatically unravels Coetzee’s textual subversion of the traditional overarching “western logocentrism ” or “metaphysics of presence ” via catechizing and debilitating the orthodoxy of the white supremacy as well as the male superiority.This detailed analysis, giving a Derridean reading, purports to anatomize and deconstruct the binary oppositions of Self / Other, White / Black, and Man / Woman among Cruso, Friday and Susan Barton, and reach Coetzee’s veritable concerns: to dissolve the Imperialist hierarchy and hegemony, to waive racial enclosure, and to build a dialogue that open up a real respect and coexistence for both the centered and the marginalized.
【摘 要】教学是一门科学更是一门艺术,如果我们能够用易中天的冷幽默、纪连海的大视野、袁腾飞的巧语言,相信我们都能把历史品出美來,教出味来。  【关键词】历史教学 名家讲解    随着百家讲坛《两宋风云》的热播,在纪连海之后又有一位中学历史教师很快为全国的观众所熟悉——袁腾飞。袁腾飞是北京海淀教师进修学校高级教师、精华学校教师,被学生誉为“史上最牛的历史老师”。那么一个普通的中学历史教师为什么能够备