根据曾侯乙墓出土之战国时代的编钟铭文 ,本人曾在一系列论著中 ,考证阐释与中国阴阳农历互为表里的中国先秦阴阳吕律制度 ,并名之为“四宫纪之以三的十二吕律” (陇菲按 :详见文末所附文献索引 )。但自 1 992年到现在的七、八年来 ,由于将主要精力用于文化哲学、音乐哲学的思
According to the chime bells of the Warring States Period unearthed from the Tomb of Zeng Hou, I have conducted a series of studies to examine and explain the system of the rule of the Yin and Yang of the pre-Qin and Han Dynasties in China, Of the twelve Lu law "(Long Philippine press: see the text of the attached document index). However, since 1982 to the present seven or eight years, due to the main energy used in cultural philosophy, philosophy of music