The Truman administration changed its attitude toward the Yalta Agreement before and during the Sino-Soviet negotiations in 1945. Before the talks, the Truman administration tried to inform the National Government of the content of the agreement as soon as possible and expressed its readiness to inherit Roosevelt’s decision and refuse to explain the contents of the agreement and intervene in the talks with China. This shows its cautious and passive attitude of complying with the agreement and putting pressure on China. When the Soviet Union proposed to go beyond the agreement in the Sino-Soviet negotiations, the Truman administration took a non-interference attitude in the outer Mongolia issue and actively intervened in the Sino-Soviet negotiations on the northeast issue, and also made specific explanations on certain elements to Boycotted the Soviet Union’s demands, insisted on its understanding of the agreement and eventually made China and Sudan a series of agreements acceptable to the United States. This attitude change stems from the attitude of the Soviet Union towards the agreement, the consideration of the interests of the United States and the corresponding changes in the international situation at that time.