在解析几何教材中 ,对于椭圆 x2a2 +y2b2 =1和双曲线x2a2 -y2b2 =1 ,都给出了它们的准线方程x=± a2c,而未给出准线的作图方法 .鉴于准线有着重要的几何意义 ,本文将根据椭圆、双曲线的有关性质 ,结合平面几何知识 ,给出准线的几种作图方法 .图 11 利用相似三角形
In the analytical geometry textbook, for the elliptic x2a2 + y2b2 = 1 and the hyperbola x2a2 - y2b2 = 1, their directivity equations are given as x = ± a2c, and the method of drawing the directlines is not given. There are important geometrical meanings. Based on the properties of elliptic and hyperbolic curves and the knowledge of plane geometry, this paper gives several methods for the mapping of alignment lines. Figure 11 Using Similar Triangles