我国是一个农业人口占80%、农民总数达9亿人口的农业大国,其众多的人口和辽阔的地域决定了农村市场的巨大潜力。开拓农村市场是刺激消费需求、拉动经济增长的一项重大措施,对我国国民经济走出困境、持续发展将具有决定性的作用。 1 开拓农村市场的战略意义 1.1开拓农村市场有利于实现农业现代化,加快农村奔小康的步伐
My country is a large agricultural country with 80% of the agricultural population and a total population of 900 million peasants. Its large population and vast territory determine the great potential of the rural market. To open up the rural market is an important measure to stimulate consumer demand and stimulate economic growth and will play a decisive role in our country’s national economy going out of difficulties and sustainable development. 1 The Significance of Developing Rural Market 1.1 Developing Rural Market Is Beneficial to Realizing Agricultural Modernization and Speeding Up the Rural Affair