建立完善慈善事业发展机制 建立慈善机构,完善运作机制和监督机制,是慈善事业发展壮大的关键。依据《中华人民共和国公益事业捐赠法》,结合安徽省的情况,我们认为应重点建立完善慈善事业的筹资机制、慈善资金的管理运营机制、慈善资金的监督反馈机制和激励倡导机制,使慈善
Establish and improve the mechanism for the development of charitable organizations to establish charities, improve the operational mechanism and oversight mechanisms, is the key to the development and expansion of charities. According to the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Donations for Public Welfare” and in combination with the situation in Anhui Province, we think it is important to set up a fund-raising mechanism to improve philanthropy, a management and operation mechanism for philanthropic funds, a supervision and feedback mechanism for philanthropic funds and a mechanism for encouraging and encouraging charities