研究了大口鲇规模化人工繁殖和苗种培育的关键技术。结果表明 ,在水温 19~ 2 5℃下 ,采用HCG +PG +LRH -A2 和催产灵 1号 +LRH -A2 这 2种混合催产药物对大口鲇催产都十分有效 ,催产率均为 10 0 % ;鱼卵受精率与人工授精方式有着密切的关系 ;鱼苗开口时间和饵料丰欠对苗种培育成活率影响显著 ,饵料缺乏是导致苗种培育成活率降低的主要原因。对 92 0万尾大口鲇水花鱼苗进行了规模化培育 ,共培育 3cm以上规格苗种 74 2 .2万尾 ,平均育苗成活率为 80 .6 7%。
The key techniques of large-scale artificial breeding and seed breeding were studied. The results showed that the two oxytocin drugs HCG + PG + LRH -A2 and oxytocin + LRH -A2 were very effective in promoting ovulation at the water temperature of 19-25 ℃ with the rates of 10 0% ; The fertilization rate of fish eggs is closely related to the way of artificial insemination; the time of fry opening and the abundance of feed have a significant impact on the survival rate of seedling breeding, and the lack of food is the main reason that leads to the decrease of survival rate of seedling cultivation. 92000000 large-scale mackerel bloom flower fry were scaled up to cultivate a total of 742.2 thousand seedlings more than 3cm specifications, the average survival rate of breeding seedlings was 80.67%.