1 1981年夏天的一个傍晚,刘卫国跑到弋矶山医院家属楼,找到同届毕业的程焰。刘卫国眼睛乌亮,长得高大帅气,和程焰站在一起,程焰显得瘦小。他不停地问程焰,他考上合肥工大的铸造专业毕业后会不会分到工厂?以后能不能考研究生或者出国留学?这类摸不到头脑的问题以程焰当时的阅历是无法准确答复的。但程焰很灵光,没有正面回答,他列举了那年达芬奇画蛋的高
One evening in the summer of 1981, Liu Weiguo went to the Yijishan Hospital family building to find the same graduated Cheng Yan. Liu Weiguo eyes bright, looks tall and handsome, and Cheng Yan stood together, Cheng Yan seemed thin. He kept asking Cheng Yan, he was admitted to the Foundry of Hefei University will not be assigned to the factory after graduation? Can you postgraduate or study abroad? Such kind of brainstorm problem can not experience Cheng Yan’s experience Accurate answer. However, Cheng Yan is very Emmanuel, no positive answer, he cited Da Vinci painted eggs that year high