材料与方法马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb.)种子采自贵州、四川、福建。用温水浸后的种子,在温箱内(25℃左右)催芽。当幼芽长到1厘米左右时,选取根尖作材料,进行压片观察。1.压片技术;基本采用常规压片方法,主要抓了取材时间和预处理两个关键。马尾松分裂旺盛期在上午10~11时或下午3时左右。这时取材分裂相多,利于选择分散好的染色体。预处理用1%秋水仙碱溶液。处理幼芽4~5小时。这样可保持材料新鲜,收到较好的压片效果。染色剂用改良品红,它的优点是方法简便,色泽鲜艳,长期保存不易褪色。2.核型分析:镜检后,选择中期染色体分散好的细胞,进行显微照像(见图1),
Materials and Methods Pinus massoniana Lamb seeds were collected from Guizhou, Sichuan and Fujian provinces. After soaking in warm water, the seeds are sprouted in a thermostat (about 25 ° C). When the buds grow to about 1 cm, select the root tip for the material, for observation. 1. Tablet technology; the basic use of conventional tabletting method, the main focus on the time and pretreatment two key. Pinus massoniana split in the morning of 10 to 11 o’clock or around 3 pm. At this time taken more than split, which will help to choose good scattered chromosomes. Pretreatment with 1% colchicine solution. Treated buds 4 to 5 hours. This will keep the material fresh and receive better compression. Coloring agent with improved magenta, its advantage is that the method is simple, bright color, long-term preservation is not easy to fade. 2. Karyotype analysis: After microscopic examination, cells with metaphase chromosomes were selected for micrography (see Figure 1)