The Report after Reading The Great Gatsby

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  The novel, The Great Gatsby, told a great story about a man who use his all life to do everything for one purpose, making the past lover return to him. Gatsby has done the most secular issue but owned the most pure heart. Under all these extravagant life hide the desire for love. The deepest impression of this novel left to me is that in all Gatsby’s life he was besieged by the childhood traumas. He used his lifetime to cure the pain that left to him when he was a child. He disavowed he is the son of the poor parents. He claimed that he is the son of God. The poor life and the experience of leaving home in a very young age made him diffident, unconfident and indecisive.
  The poor life in his childhood urged him to pursue more material in his later life. So he was left and to look for a different life. The story told us that Gatsby’s original family is quite poor, which may imply that his parents can not give him so many love. Maybe, nowadays, many TV programs revealed that even a people burn in a poor family he also will gain as much as love from parents. Of course, we know parents will love their children whatever the situation is. However, the reality is that parents’ love in such a family only can keep children to be warm and well-fed. They have no time to share the feeling of children, company the child all the time. In other words, they have no time to know you. Gatsby’s parents have no spare time to understand their son, maybe they just know that their son is safe and not hungry. But they may have no idea of the thought of their son. Feeding a child to grow up can not be seen the love of parents.
  The result of this kind of deficiency make Gatsby can not understand what the real love is and he has no idea about what his lover really need. He hope his lover to love him again, whereas in his own mind the necessary condition of it is that he need to become enough rich. Therefore, he spent five years to gain a plenty of wealth. However, Daisy did not go with him after he reached the aim. A person as smart as Gatsby did not know what Daisy really want at that time. Daisy born in a notable and rich family, what she lacks most is not wealth. Does the prosperous house and property of Gatsby really touch Daisy’s heart? I guess it didn’t.
  The another deficiency of Gatsby is that he really have no confidence about the background of his education and successful business. This kind of deficiency may be caused by his terrible childhood. A family like that of Gatsby may have no appropriate environment to build the confidence of children. Besides, the poor education of Gatsby’s parents limit the understanding about the importance of confident to a child. The confidence of a person who born in a peaceful, happy and rich family, cannot be imitated by a person who come from a turbulent, depressed and poor family. So the pretended confidence of Gatsby is exposed easily. Meanwhile, the most lamentable thing is that Gatsby cannot recognize such a trap that come from these upper-class people. For instance, after he succeed he did not want to tell people what the real business of him. Meanwhile, he told many unbelievable experiences of himself to Daisy. Maybe many of them are lies. Moreover, he was frightened when others mentioned his birth and education background.   His bad childhood left the third deficiency, indecisive, to him, which lastly make him lost his lover and his own life. Nick’s words told us that the aim of Gatsby has hold so many parties is to want Daisy can come. According to the stories, we know he hold such parties already in a long time, almost a year. But he just wait. He want to Daisy can come by herself. And he bought the house opposite Daisy’s house, while the first met between he and Daisy is because of Nick’s invitation. We can guess if Nick not appear, maybe he will hold the meaningless parties forever. At their first met, he almost lost this chance again, because he run away. Fortunately, he came back lastly. When they dated for many times, he wanted Daisy to tell her husband that she never love him. But Daisy always did not do that. Gatsby just tell Nick that Daisy need more time. Until in the meeting of Daisy’s house, this woman still can not tell her husband that she never love him. While Gatsby still can not admit that Daisy did not love him so much just as five years ago. Finally, he was enraged by Daisy’s husband and lost Daisy’s heart forever.
  This story is a process of curing Gatsby’s pain of childhood. And the end he failed it. The cause of that is not Gatsby himself, it is the hypocritical upper-class. We may infer this ending early. Although Gatsby owned a lot of money, he still keep a pure heart. While these upper-class people who own a large amount of wealth and selfish heart simultaneously. Gatsby never can be these people. So he was hurt again and again.
【摘要】近年来,领属关系的句法表现形式受到语言学界的关注。作为语法范畴的领属在具体语言中的表现并不一定相同,不同语言在表达领属关系的结构上有很大差异。本文拟从象似性理论中的距离象似性出发,对比研究英汉修饰性领属结构的异同。经探究发现,汉语中“的”的隐现,部分符合认知语言学中的距离象似性原则。而英语领属结构中既有属格’s又有of结构表达,反映了英语国家人民既習惯顺序又习惯逆序的思维方式。  【关键词
【摘要】为了提高初中英语教学水平,需要教师结合教学实践,不断总结更加完善的“读写融合”模式。本文通过进一步分析,总结了“读写融合”教学实践对策,希望有效研究能够为学生日后发展奠定良好基础。  【关键词】初中英语;读写融合;对策  【作者简介】冯春艳,广东省江门市鹤山实验中学。引言  新时期,为了提高初中学生英语学习水平,要重视加强“读写融合”教学水平,通过“读写融合”的进一步应用,提高了学生学习兴
【摘要】语音教学是大学英语课程学习的基础,对于学生今后的学习与发展,有着非常重要的积极作用。因此就需要创新与优化语音教学方法,根据学生的个性特点与学习需求,激发学生的学习兴趣,拓宽学生的知识面,促使学生养成良好的学习习惯,在循序渐进中提高学生的语音水平。  【关键词】大学英语;语音教学  【作者简介】廖芸(1990-),女,汉族,湖南衡阳人,湖南交通工程学院,硕士研究生,主要从事大学英语教学研究。
【摘要】英语绘本以故事方式表述内容,以图片、文字相结合方式呈现内容,具有较强的趣味性,可成功吸引小学生注意力,激发其学习兴趣。本文围绕小学低年段英语教学,就英语绘本应用有关内容展開分析,旨在促进小学低年段英语教学效果的提高。  【关键词】英语绘本;小学低年段;英语教学;应用  【作者简介】黄慧姝,广州市白云区华师附中实验小学。  所谓“英语绘本”,与童话故事书有着诸多类似之处,主要以图文相结合方式
【摘要】智慧课堂是指老师的智慧带动学生的智慧进行学习的课堂,随着新课改的不断革新,小学英语的教学理念也不断有着新的改变,现阶段倡导把智慧课堂这一理念运用到小学英语的教学中,与英语课堂相互融合,让老师积极引导学生学习英语,这样会使学生发现英语的魅力,在学习英语中变得主动,更有利于培养学生打开思维,思考问题的能力,更深层次的促进小学生对英语的喜爱,使学生在英语课堂上与英语教师可以积极互动。  【关键词
【摘要】中学英语词汇教学目前仍存在耗时多,效率低下问题。前人的研究证明英语词汇学习与学生认知能力紧密相关,图式能为二者搭建起桥梁。本文将结合初中英语词汇教学的实例探讨图式理论在初中英语词汇教学中的应用。  【关键词】图式理论;初中英语词汇;应用  【作者简介】冯海霞,邢台市第三中学。  德国哲学家康德(Kant)早在1781年就提出了认知图式的概念,他认为概念在记忆的存储中是相互联系的,从而构成了
【摘要】初中生即将面临中考,这既是学生人生面临的第一次大考,也是其人生道路上的一次转折点。因此,家长与学校以及学生本人都非常重视初中阶段的英语学习。在查找学生的缺点与不足,帮助学生获得全面提升的教学过程中,笔者发现最令学生感到苦恼的就是英语写作部分。在此形势下,如何改变这一现状,全面提高学生英语写作能力,已经成为所有初中英语教师不懈的追求。  【关键词】英语写作能力;素材积累;主旨明确  【作者简
【摘要】英语绘本已经成为小学英语教学中的重要研究内容。韵律绘本中节奏欢快的旋律能帮助小学中低年级的学生培养英语语感,亮丽的插图能帮助其展开想象,丰富的故事内容与英语教学的结合顺应了新课程改革发展的需要。  【关键词】韵律绘本;中低年级;培养语感;展开想象  【作者简介】陈玉,河北省保定市高新区小学。  英语新课程标准强调“英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高