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韩少辉,字长彦,号品斋,毕业于山西财经学院。就职于山西省群众艺术馆,研究馆员。中国书法家协会隶书专业委员会委员、中国书法家协会培训中心教授、山西省书法家协会副主席、山西省青年书法家协会副主席、山西师范大学客座教授、山西省政协委员、山西省青年联合会委员。作品曾入展全国第四、五、六、七、八届中青年书法篆刻家作品展览,全国第五、六、九届书法篆刻家作品展览,全国书坛新人新作展,全国正书大展,全国第一、三届楹联书法展,中国近现代书画名家书画展,中日、中韩国际书法交流展,第一届“兰亭奖”大赛,第二届流行书风展,2005年北京国际书法双年展,全国60年代杰出书家作品邀请展,2008“林散之奖”全国书法名家作品双年展,首届中国书坛“兰亭雅集”书法双年展,2008《中国书法》全国中青年书法家60人学术提名。作品曾获全国第八届“群星奖”金奖,全国第五届中青年书法篆刻家作品展览优秀作品奖,全国第六届中青年书法篆刻家作品展览获奖提名,全国第一届楹联书法展银奖,《书法导报》首届全国当代书家作品展评一等奖并获“十佳书家”称号。作品多次参加全国书法名家作品邀请展。2000年被山西省劳动竞赛委员会荣记一等功,山西省委宣传部授予“山西省跨世纪文艺新星”称号。作品被收入《中南海珍藏书法集》、《世界华人美术名家年鉴》、《历届全国书展全国中青年书展获奖作者作品集》、《中国当代名家书法篆刻作品集》。河南美术出版社出版“法帖解析临本”《张迁碑》。作品被中南海和周恩来纪念馆以及多家省、市博物馆收藏,《中国书法》、《书法导报》等多家专业报刊进行专题介绍。 Han Shaohui, the word Chang Yan, vegetarian fast food, graduated from Shanxi Institute of Finance. Worked in mass art museum in Shanxi Province, research librarian. China Calligraphers Association official script committee, Chinese Calligraphers Association training center professor, vice chairman of Shanxi Calligrapher’s Association, Shanxi Province, young calligrapher’s Association vice chairman, visiting professor of Shanxi Normal University, Shanxi Province CPPCC members, Shanxi Youth Federation Members. Works have been exhibited in the fourth, fifth, sixth, seven, eight young and middle-aged calligraphy and seal cutting works exhibition, the national fifth, six, nine calligraphy and seal cutting works exhibition, new national calligraphy exhibition, the National Book Fair , The first and third Lianshu Calligraphy Exhibition, calligraphy and painting exhibition of modern Chinese calligraphy and painting, China and Japan, China and South Korea International Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition, the first “Lanting Award” contest, the second popular book air show, 2005 Beijing International Calligraphy Biennale, Invitation Exhibition of Outstanding Chinese Calligraphists in the 60’s, 2008 “Lin San Award”, “Biennial of National Calligraphic Famous Works”, “First Calligraphy Balande” in China, 2008 “Chinese Calligraphy” 60 Young Calligraphers Academic Nomination. His works won the eighth national “star award” gold medal, the fifth young middle-aged calligraphy and seal cutting works of outstanding works award, the sixth young middle-aged calligraphy and seal cutting works of the award-winning nomination, the first couplet calligraphy Exhibition Silver Award, “Calligraphy” the first national contemporary book exhibition evaluation first prize and won “top ten book ” title. Works repeatedly participated in the calligraphy exhibition of famous artists. In 2000 by the Shanxi Provincial Labor Competition Commission Rongji first class work, Shanxi Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department awarded the “cross-century literary star” title. His works have been collected in “Zhongnanhai Collection of Calligraphies,” “World Chinese Artists Famous Yearbook,” “National Book Fair in the National Young and Middle-aged Book Fair Winners Author Portfolio,” and “Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Works Collection.” Henan Fine Arts Publishing House published “Fate analysis of the original” “Zhang Qian monument.” Works by Zhongnanhai and Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall and a number of provincial and municipal museum collection, “Chinese calligraphy”, “Calligraphy Herald” and many other professional newspapers and magazines presentations.
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