The original version of this article unfortunately contained two mistakes.In p.544,the square root on the right side o02f Eq.(14)“Ha=(k2DA/(k0LA)2C1/2BL)1/2”and the square root on the right side of Eq.(15)“E=Ha=(k2DA/(k0LA)2C1/2BL)1/2”were incorrect.The correct versions of Eqs.(14)and(15)are given below:
The original version of this article unfortunately contained two mistakes. In p.544, the square root on the right side o02f Eq. (14) “Ha = (k2DA / (k0LA) 2C1 / 2BL) 1/2” square root on the right side of Eq. (15) “E = Ha = (k2DA / (k0LA) 2C1 / 2BL) 1/2” were incorrect. The correct versions of Eqs. (14) and (15) are given below: