男性不育症为夫妇婚后同居三年以上未使用避孕措施,而由男方的原因造成女方不孕。据统计我国已婚夫妇中约有10~15%患不育症,其中约三分之一是由男性因素引起的。造成男性不育的原因很多,多数男性不育是由疾病引起的一种后果,它本身并非一种独立的疾病。现将其病因和防治作一介绍。病因 1.遗传因素染色体畸变和基因突变影响个体的发育及性功能低下、性腺发育不良,从而导致不育。 (1)染色体异常:①先天性睾丸发育不全综合
Male infertility for married couples living together for more than three years without contraception, and the cause of the woman caused by the infertility of the woman. According to statistics, about 10 to 15% of married couples in China have infertility, of which about one-third are caused by male factors. There are many reasons for infertility in men. Most male infertility is a consequence of illness and is not itself an independent disease. Now the etiology and prevention for an introduction. Etiology 1. Genetic factors Chromosomal aberrations and mutations affect the individual’s development and sexual dysfunction, hypogonadism, resulting in infertility. (1) chromosomal abnormalities: ① congenital testicular hypoplasia synthesis