亚当·格兰特(Adam Grant)在《给予和索取》(Give and Take)(又名《沃顿商学院最受欢迎的成功课》)一书中指出,所有人做事都有自己的“道法”。人们可以被归为“给予者”(giver)、“索取者”(taker)和“匹配者”(matcher)三个类别。研究表明,不同的做事风格会影响人们的工作表现和别人对他们的满意度。我在想,同样的范式是否也适用于品牌呢?亚当谈到的某些心理学研究成果是否能对企业和品牌的管理有
Adam Grant, in his book Give and Take, also known as the “Wharton Most Popular Success Course,” points out that everyone has their own way of doing things ". People can be grouped into three categories: giver, taker, and matcher. Research shows that different styles of work affect people’s job performance and others’ satisfaction with them. I wonder if the same paradigm applies to branding as well. Does Adam’s talk about some of the psychology findings that govern the management of companies and brands