First, the seeds of the sample seed sampling sticks related to the representative of the whole batch of seeds is to reduce the key laboratory error. 1. Mixed samples of the sample now seed packaging generally sacks, a group of seeds after a good mix of bags sacks sample, according to the provisions of the minimum number of slanted from the corner of the sack 45 ° skewer take, the original sample after mixing Other aspects of the test can be carried out. 2. Separation of seed packaging seed samples Separation of seed in the field inspection stage can be divided into the same inspection area. However, in the laboratory test should not be mixed sample test, but should be household test indoors, especially germination rate test. This is because individual farmers after harvest measures, conditions are not the same, may produce kang bud may. This can not be seen in the mixed samples. Second, the seed indoor inspection Seed indoor (sowing quality) inspection, mainly refers to the clarity, germination rate, moisture, pest rate and other tests, the following mainly about clarity and germination rate test.