Executives often encounter four major ethical dilemmas, such as the conflict between obeying the higher authorities and being responsible to the public, the tensions of the administrators and their role groups, the impasse between the public interests and individual interests, and even the balance between the right of privacy and the citizens’ right to know. The unethical behavior of the administrative staff has brought grave harm to society. There are three factors that an administrative person falls into an ethical predicament: the microscopic aspect is the ambiguity of the administrative person’s role; the meso aspect is the weak supervision and restriction mechanism; the macroscopic aspect is the encroachment of the administrative-dominated value and the traditional administrative culture. The selection of executives should be in line with the values of the executive-led, promoting the government reengineering movement centered on the organization of process transformation, being cautious of the ethical compromise in administrative practice, carrying out ethics training for the executives, strengthening ethics legislation and institutionalization, The basic logic of the dilemma.