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  A businesswoman, a mother of four, an international fashion icon, a woman committed[献身的] to making the world a better place for women and children – Queen Rania of Jordan is truly changing the world.
  Rania Al-Yassin was born in Kuwait. Shortly after Iraq invaded that country in 1990, her family fled[逃走] and settled in Jordan. After graduating from business school, Rania became successful in the business world.
  When she was just 22, she went to a dinner party that changed her life forever. It was there that she met Jordan’s Prince Abdullah. Six months later, Rania and Abdullah had a royal wedding and started a family.
  Rania never expected to be queen, however. In 1999, while on his deathbed, King Hussein of Jordan
  stunned[使惊吓] his country by announcing that his son Abdullah – not his brother – would succeed him as king. That made 29-year-old Rania the world’s youngest living queen.
  Rania says that being queen is not the trait[显著的特点] she defines herself by. “I am not at all conscious[有意识的] of it,” she says. “People call me ‘Queen,’ but, you know, that’s not me… I’m Rania.”
  There are many perks[额外津贴、好处] to being queen, of course, but Rania stresses that there are also responsibilities[职责].
  “One of the major misconceptions[误解] about this position is that people think that I might not be in touch with reality,” she says. “The honest truth is that my life is very much about dealing with issues[问题] on the ground[在事发现场], dealing with the problems that our country faces. That’s something I do on a daily basis.”
  When most people think of queens, they probably think of what they know from fairy tales. “For me, it’s just real life,” Rania says. “I am a mother. I care about my children. I worry about what they eat. I worry about the influences from their friends.”
  Rania has become famous around the world for her efforts to improve educational opportunities for girls and the rights of women.
  Rania explains that there is a direct relationship between increasing education and eliminating[消除] poverty. “You can change the course[进程] of a nation through education,” she says. “One of the most important things you can do for a girl is empower her with her education. Once she has the education, she can then have control over her income, she can change her life, she can have choices.”
  Rania also wants to break down the stereo-types[老套、固定的形象] the West holds about her culture. “I would like to dispel[驱散] the misconception that Arabs are all extremists[极端主义者], that Arab people are violent and that women in the Arab world are oppressed[压迫] and
  suppressed[抑制],” she says.
  In the future, Rania says she hopes for a more open and secure world. “We look at problems happening halfway across the world and we think, ‘Well, that’s their problem.’ But it’s not,” she says. “When you solve somebody else’s problem, you’re solving a problem for yourself, because our world today is so interconnected.”
  Rania says solving problems that come from intolerance[不能忍耐,偏狭] – like terrorism – require cultural dialogue, education and increased opportunities. “We have to create opportunities for our youth so they have a chance in life. Whenever you’re frustrated[失意的] and you feel like you don’t have a future or you can’t get a job, then you’re more susceptible[易受影响的] to be influenced by terrorism and extremist ideology[意识形态],” says this true woman of the new millennium[一千年].
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