【摘 要】
当你学习工作累了,一首音乐或许就能让你放松下来;当你困惑时,几句简单的诗词或能让你豁然开朗;当你偶然间看到街边的一座雕塑时,或许会忍不住为它的创意拍手称好……艺术已然成为生活中不可缺少的调味剂。 本期酷锐话题带来的是一些更“逗”的艺术,取悦我们那严肃的生活。涂鸦,一种街头艺术,竟能让一片荒凉破旧的地区焕然一新。想象一下,整个地区五彩斑斓,每一个建筑外墙都是一幅巨大的画卷,你仿佛置身于童话世界之中
新闻背景 事件的起因是在2012年6月,诺贝尔经济学奖获得者保罗·克鲁格曼在网上嘲讽了爱沙尼亚依靠紧缩政策帮助经济复苏的说法。爱沙尼亚是一个有着130万人口的国家,曾经是前苏联加盟共和国之一,1991年脱离苏联独立,2004年加入欧盟,2011年加入欧元区。2009年,受全球经济危机的影响,爱沙尼亚的经济下滑了14.3%。该国的右翼联合政府因此宣布实行严格的财政紧缩政策,以减少国家债务。 克鲁
Today, we’re looking for a European country with a small Tatar presence, and now a Tatar restaurant. Tatars, by the way, are Turkic Muslims, and that restaurant is in northeast Poland. Dave McGuire r
小编第一次看到这本书是在某网页上推荐的一单程序员必读书中,当时心中暗自排列了下“程序员”、“禅”、“摩托车”这样奇怪的组合,后来发现创业者们也要读这本书,篮球教练也爱这本书,霍金还因为《时间简史》能和此书相比较而感到备受恭维,至此小编觉得真的有必要来了解一下这本哲学小说以及作者的故事。 1928年,罗伯特·M·波西格(Robert M. Pirsig)出生于美国明尼苏达州,天资卓越的他15岁便进
A new law taking effect Sunday could require you to pay an extra fee whenever you use your credit card. KSWB has the details. “The new law comes after a settlement between retailers, Visa, MasterCard
Recently in the numerous mountains and valleys of Southern Guangdong, 1)crisscrossing greenways have appeared as if by magic and have attracted many tourists from the world over. “Lüdao” is called “gr
I am sitting In the morning At the diner On the corner I am waiting At the counter For the man To pour the coffee And he fills it Only halfway And before I even argue He is looking Out th
As I listened from a beach-chair in the shade To all the noises that my garden made, It seemed to me only proper that words Should be withheld from vegetables and birds. A robin with no Christian
On Monday in a sense he won the lottery for the second time. He’s a young designer who twice studied Michelle Obama, twice dreamed the way she should look, and twice she agreed. (At the Inaugural Bal
Guess it’s true, I’m not good at a one-night stand But I still need love ’cause I’m just a man These nights never seem to go to plan I don’t want you to leave, will you hold my hand? *Oh, won’t yo
Host: OK, the phone rings, really early in the morning. The caller ID says the call’s from Sweden. If you’re an academic or scholar, even if you’re on 1)furlough, especially this week, you know you’d