生吃海鲜是时下的美食时尚。但生食海鲜对健康并不利,各种活、鲜的鱼虾蟹贝体内,往往潜藏着各种肉眼很难发现的致病菌和寄生虫。 据调查,一般鱼虾离开水体2—3小时后,就会受到副溶血性弧菌、沙门氏菌和大肠杆菌等致病菌的感染,常发生细菌腐蚀,产生胺类化合物。尤其被寄生虫污染的水产品,对人体危害更为严重。据分析,几乎各类鱼虾蟹贝都有其特定的寄生虫潜藏。人吃了半生不熟受污染的鱼虾,往往出现胃肠不逅、感觉迟
Raw seafood is the food fashion nowadays. However, raw food seafood is not good for health, all kinds of live and fresh fish, shrimp and crab shell body, often hidden with a variety of naked eye hard to find pathogens and parasites. According to the survey, generally fish 2-3 hours after leaving the water, they will be infected with pathogens such as Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Salmonella and E. coli, bacteria often occur corrosion, resulting in amines. Aquatic products, especially contaminated by parasites, are even more detrimental to human health. According to the analysis, almost all kinds of fish and shellfish have their own specific parasite lurking. People who eat half-baked fish contaminated, often gastrointestinal encounter, feeling late