甘蔗长蝽(Ischnodemus saccharivorusOkajima)是我省甘蔗常见的害虫,发生颇为普遍,为害日益严重,成为蔗区必须防治的害虫之一。现将我们对此虫的观察研究的初步结果简报如下。1、形态特征(1)成虫体呈扁长筒形,全身黑色,披有黄色细毛。雌虫长7.5—8.5毫米,平均8.1毫米,腹部远宽于胸部,腹宽(以最宽处计)1.7—2毫米。雄虫长6—7.5毫米,平均7毫米,胸、腹宽度相差不多,腹宽1.2—1.5毫米。头部尖,略呈菱形。复眼棕黑色,单眼细小不明显,位于头部近后缘处。触角4节,生于复眼前方,除第1节淡黄色外,其余棕
Ischnodemus saccharivorus Okajima is a common pest of sugar cane in our province. It is quite common and its damage is becoming more and more serious. It has become one of the pests that must be controlled in sugarcane area. The preliminary results of our observations on this pest are as follows. 1, morphological characteristics (1) adult body was flat long cylinder, black body, Phi yellow hair. The female is 7.5-8.5 mm long, averaging 8.1 mm. The abdomen is wider than the chest and the ventral width (at the widest point) is 1.7-2 mm. Male 6-7.5 mm long, an average of 7 mm, chest, abdomen width almost the same, abdominal width 1.2-1.5 mm. Tip of the head, slightly rhombus. Compound eyes brown, small eyes is not obvious, located in the head near the trailing edge. Tentacles 4, was born in front of complex eyes, in addition to Section 1 pale yellow, the other brown