
来源 :沈阳故宫博物院院刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzu03
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满族的崛起改写了中国的历史,也为我们留下了两座皇宫建筑群。沈阳故宫建筑总体规模上虽然不及北京故宫那么宏大,但是由于它所处的特殊的地理位置和历史背景,使得它有着独特的风格和鲜明的特色。北京故宫并非由满族人所建,仅为其所用。而沈阳故宫却是地地道道按满人的意图建造,又为其利用的皇家宫殿。因此,沈阳故宫建筑与北京故宫在许多方面都不尽相同。仅从营造技术上看就有很多独特的做法,表现在大 The rise of the Manchus rewrote the history of China and left two royal palace complexes for us. Although the overall size of the Imperial Palace in Shenyang is not as grand as the Forbidden City in Beijing, its unique geographical location and historical background make it uniquely styled and distinctive. The Forbidden City in Beijing was not built by the Manchus for its own sake. However, the Imperial Palace in Shenyang is an imperial palace built in the same way as the Manchu's intentions. Therefore, the Shenyang Imperial Palace building and the Forbidden City in Beijing are different in many aspects. Just from the technical point of view there are many unique practices, manifested in large
顾教授年逾古稀,退休后仍著书立说、笔耕不辍。只是便秘一直在困扰着他,每天排便费力又费时。老教授先前每天坚持服中成药麻仁丸,后来嫌这种药作用太慢,于是从药店买来硫酸镁服用。服后大便是通了,但接着却腹泻不止,又不得不用补液来纠正因腹泻造成的脱水。  徐女士婚后不久就怀孕了,已近而立之年的她喜悦之情溢于言表。然而到了怀孕3个月时,过去就有的便秘症状更严重了。她不得不从家庭小药箱中找出泻药果导服下。可是第