摘要[目的]了解6832(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai)梨生长发育规律,为建立其在湖北省梨产区的配套栽培技术提供理论依据。[方法]以9年生砂梨新品系结论]该研究可为6832在湖北省梨产区的高产优质生产提供指导。
New Shoots and Fruits Growth Trend of Asia Pear 6832(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai)
TU Junfan et al(Institute of Fruit and Tea, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430064)
Abstract[Objective] The aim was to know growth and development law of Asia pear 6832, and provide a theoretical basis for establishing its corresponding cultivation techniques in Hubei Pear Production Area. [Method] The new shoots and fruits growth change trend of the 9 years old Asia Pear 6832 were observed. [Result] The new shoots grew from late March to early June, and the growth period was 78 d. Two growth peaks in growth period was in April 22 and May 6 respectively. Fruit began to grow after fruit setting(in early April) and matured until to the middle ten days of August, the growth period was 133 d. Two growth peaks appeared during the growth period of fruit vertical and horizontal diameter, and was in April 15 and June 17 respectively. The new shoots had nutrient competition with fruit growth before its stopping growing, while provided nutrients for the growth of fruit in its late growth stage. When the fruit was ripe, the average weight was 250 g, the fruit was round, its vertical diameter was 7.68 cm, horizontal diameter was 8.44 cm, fruit shape index was 0.91. The green fruit had thin peel, smooth surface, waxiness, but no fruit russeting, the fruit dot was shallow, small and rare. The white fruit flesh was tender and crisp, sweet and juicy, and had a little stone cell, so it quality was good. During 6832 pear production in Wuhan area of Hubei Province, it was suggested to use the compound fertilizer giving priority to with nitrogen in 14 days before germination, some quickacting fertilizers such as urea were used in the last ten days of April and the first ten days of May, and leaf fertilizer was also used, to improve the competition of the nutrient; the compound fertilizer giving priority to with nitrogen was used in June of fruit rapid enlargement period, and the compound fertilizer giving priority to with potassium fertilizer was used in July, to increase the fruit quality; the compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer were taken as base fertilizer. [Conclusion] The study provides a guidance for high yield and good quality production of 6832 pear in Hubei Pear Production Area. Key words6832 pear; Fruit; New shoot; Growth trend
作者简介涂俊凡(1979- ),女,湖北枣阳人,副研究员,硕士,从事梨新品种选育及生物技术研究。*通讯作者,研究员,硕士生导师,从事梨遗传育种和新品种新技术新模式研究。
收稿日期201406236832(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai)为湖北省农业科学院果树茶叶研究所以金水1号为母本、131(库尔勒香梨实生驯化优株)为父本杂交育成的优良新品系。该品系在湖北省武汉地区8月中旬成熟,果实大,外观美,肉极细腻,味浓甜,香气浓,果心小,品质极上,成熟期香气物质总含量为10 901.8 μg/kg,较其他具有香气的砂梨品种金水1号、玉绿高[1]。该品种树势中庸、健壮,丰产性好,授粉试验表明,以翠冠、鄂梨2号、华梨2号及圆黄做授粉树,该品系均能丰产、稳产[2]。区试结果表明,该品系综合性状超过湖北省目前主栽品种湘南。新梢是当地环境条件和栽培技术影响最显著器官之一,也是衡量树势的重要指标之一。梨果实的生长发育是果实细胞分裂、增大和同化产物的积累转化,从而使果实不断增大和增长的过程,是果树生产上构成经济产量的重要阶段。为此,笔者对6832梨新梢与果实生长发育动态进行观察测定,旨在了解其生长发育规律,为建立湖北省梨产区6832梨配套栽培技术提供理论依据。
1.2试验方法 随机选择树势健壮的9棵树,每3棵为1个小区,3次重复。从树冠外围东、西、南、北4个方位共选取30个新梢、30个果实挂牌标记。
新梢生长变化动态测定:从新梢开始生长起,每隔7 d用钢卷尺测量新梢长度,用游标卡尺测量新梢粗度,直到新梢停止生长;果实于坐果开始每隔7 d测量果实纵、横径,直至果实采收。新梢或果实生长量取每次测定后新梢长度、粗度或果实纵径、横径的平均值。新梢或果实平均日增长量为先后2次测量差值的平均值,再除以间隔天数。
新梢生长与果实发育关系密切。果实纵横径在新梢停止生长以前生长较慢,一旦新梢停止生长果实迅速膨大,增长量较大。这可能是因为前期新梢生长时期果实和枝叶养分竞争,后期果实的生长有叶片的光合作用提供养料。这与翠冠梨和金晶梨生长期新梢生长与果实发育关系一致[4-5 ]。
通过研究梨枝梢、果实生长发育规律,更加明确了秋施基肥的重要性。秋季气温适宜,根系活跃,此时及时施肥有利于树体吸收养分,培育健壮的树势,为下一年新梢及果实的前期生长发育提供养分。萌芽前14 d,施以氮肥为主的肥料,为新梢生长与果实坐果提供足够的营养。在新梢生长和果实发育期间加强管理,通过栽培技术调节营养生长与生殖生长的动态平衡,如通过疏果的方法来控制养分的分配,疏除过多的新梢,减少养分消耗,为果实发育制造良好的营养条件。4月下旬至5月上旬新梢生长和果实膨大竞争激烈,可通过施尿素等速效肥结合喷施叶面肥改善养分的竞争。6月份是果实膨大的关键时期,施肥以钾肥、氮肥为主,配以适量的磷肥。7月份果实膨大生长减缓,是品质形成和养分积累的关键时期,此时施肥以钾肥为主,配以适量的氮肥、磷肥,增加果实品质。
[1] 涂俊凡,秦仲麒,李先明,等.砂梨和库尔勒香梨果实香气物质的GCMS分析[J].湖北农业科学,2011,50(15):3186-3189.
[2] 涂俊凡,秦仲麒,李先明,等.梨新品种(系)授粉品种选配研究[J].湖北农业科学,2013,50(19):4675-4678.
[3] 郗荣庭.果树栽培学总论[M].北京:中国农业出版社,2009.
[4] 杨晓平,胡红菊,田瑞,等.翠冠梨果实、新梢生长动态及相关性观察[J].长江大学学报:自然科学版,2010,7(1):6-9.
[5] 杨晓平,胡红菊,陈启亮,等.金晶梨新梢与果实生长发育动态观察[J].中国果树,2012(4):31-33.
New Shoots and Fruits Growth Trend of Asia Pear 6832(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai)
TU Junfan et al(Institute of Fruit and Tea, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430064)
Abstract[Objective] The aim was to know growth and development law of Asia pear 6832, and provide a theoretical basis for establishing its corresponding cultivation techniques in Hubei Pear Production Area. [Method] The new shoots and fruits growth change trend of the 9 years old Asia Pear 6832 were observed. [Result] The new shoots grew from late March to early June, and the growth period was 78 d. Two growth peaks in growth period was in April 22 and May 6 respectively. Fruit began to grow after fruit setting(in early April) and matured until to the middle ten days of August, the growth period was 133 d. Two growth peaks appeared during the growth period of fruit vertical and horizontal diameter, and was in April 15 and June 17 respectively. The new shoots had nutrient competition with fruit growth before its stopping growing, while provided nutrients for the growth of fruit in its late growth stage. When the fruit was ripe, the average weight was 250 g, the fruit was round, its vertical diameter was 7.68 cm, horizontal diameter was 8.44 cm, fruit shape index was 0.91. The green fruit had thin peel, smooth surface, waxiness, but no fruit russeting, the fruit dot was shallow, small and rare. The white fruit flesh was tender and crisp, sweet and juicy, and had a little stone cell, so it quality was good. During 6832 pear production in Wuhan area of Hubei Province, it was suggested to use the compound fertilizer giving priority to with nitrogen in 14 days before germination, some quickacting fertilizers such as urea were used in the last ten days of April and the first ten days of May, and leaf fertilizer was also used, to improve the competition of the nutrient; the compound fertilizer giving priority to with nitrogen was used in June of fruit rapid enlargement period, and the compound fertilizer giving priority to with potassium fertilizer was used in July, to increase the fruit quality; the compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer were taken as base fertilizer. [Conclusion] The study provides a guidance for high yield and good quality production of 6832 pear in Hubei Pear Production Area. Key words6832 pear; Fruit; New shoot; Growth trend
作者简介涂俊凡(1979- ),女,湖北枣阳人,副研究员,硕士,从事梨新品种选育及生物技术研究。*通讯作者,研究员,硕士生导师,从事梨遗传育种和新品种新技术新模式研究。
收稿日期201406236832(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai)为湖北省农业科学院果树茶叶研究所以金水1号为母本、131(库尔勒香梨实生驯化优株)为父本杂交育成的优良新品系。该品系在湖北省武汉地区8月中旬成熟,果实大,外观美,肉极细腻,味浓甜,香气浓,果心小,品质极上,成熟期香气物质总含量为10 901.8 μg/kg,较其他具有香气的砂梨品种金水1号、玉绿高[1]。该品种树势中庸、健壮,丰产性好,授粉试验表明,以翠冠、鄂梨2号、华梨2号及圆黄做授粉树,该品系均能丰产、稳产[2]。区试结果表明,该品系综合性状超过湖北省目前主栽品种湘南。新梢是当地环境条件和栽培技术影响最显著器官之一,也是衡量树势的重要指标之一。梨果实的生长发育是果实细胞分裂、增大和同化产物的积累转化,从而使果实不断增大和增长的过程,是果树生产上构成经济产量的重要阶段。为此,笔者对6832梨新梢与果实生长发育动态进行观察测定,旨在了解其生长发育规律,为建立湖北省梨产区6832梨配套栽培技术提供理论依据。
1.2试验方法 随机选择树势健壮的9棵树,每3棵为1个小区,3次重复。从树冠外围东、西、南、北4个方位共选取30个新梢、30个果实挂牌标记。
新梢生长变化动态测定:从新梢开始生长起,每隔7 d用钢卷尺测量新梢长度,用游标卡尺测量新梢粗度,直到新梢停止生长;果实于坐果开始每隔7 d测量果实纵、横径,直至果实采收。新梢或果实生长量取每次测定后新梢长度、粗度或果实纵径、横径的平均值。新梢或果实平均日增长量为先后2次测量差值的平均值,再除以间隔天数。
新梢生长与果实发育关系密切。果实纵横径在新梢停止生长以前生长较慢,一旦新梢停止生长果实迅速膨大,增长量较大。这可能是因为前期新梢生长时期果实和枝叶养分竞争,后期果实的生长有叶片的光合作用提供养料。这与翠冠梨和金晶梨生长期新梢生长与果实发育关系一致[4-5 ]。
通过研究梨枝梢、果实生长发育规律,更加明确了秋施基肥的重要性。秋季气温适宜,根系活跃,此时及时施肥有利于树体吸收养分,培育健壮的树势,为下一年新梢及果实的前期生长发育提供养分。萌芽前14 d,施以氮肥为主的肥料,为新梢生长与果实坐果提供足够的营养。在新梢生长和果实发育期间加强管理,通过栽培技术调节营养生长与生殖生长的动态平衡,如通过疏果的方法来控制养分的分配,疏除过多的新梢,减少养分消耗,为果实发育制造良好的营养条件。4月下旬至5月上旬新梢生长和果实膨大竞争激烈,可通过施尿素等速效肥结合喷施叶面肥改善养分的竞争。6月份是果实膨大的关键时期,施肥以钾肥、氮肥为主,配以适量的磷肥。7月份果实膨大生长减缓,是品质形成和养分积累的关键时期,此时施肥以钾肥为主,配以适量的氮肥、磷肥,增加果实品质。
[1] 涂俊凡,秦仲麒,李先明,等.砂梨和库尔勒香梨果实香气物质的GCMS分析[J].湖北农业科学,2011,50(15):3186-3189.
[2] 涂俊凡,秦仲麒,李先明,等.梨新品种(系)授粉品种选配研究[J].湖北农业科学,2013,50(19):4675-4678.
[3] 郗荣庭.果树栽培学总论[M].北京:中国农业出版社,2009.
[4] 杨晓平,胡红菊,田瑞,等.翠冠梨果实、新梢生长动态及相关性观察[J].长江大学学报:自然科学版,2010,7(1):6-9.
[5] 杨晓平,胡红菊,陈启亮,等.金晶梨新梢与果实生长发育动态观察[J].中国果树,2012(4):31-33.