
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:falconcarmack
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目的:了解不同级别妇幼保健机构人力资源的现状及差异,从而为开展妇幼卫生人才队伍建设提供依据。方法:利用全国妇幼保健机构监测数据对吉林省67所妇幼保健机构人力资源指标进行描述性分析。结果:按照卫生部《各级妇幼保健机构编制标准(试行)》标准,平均省、市、县区级妇幼保健机构编制缺乏分别为115.4人,29人、29人;吉林省各级妇幼保健机构卫生技术人员中75.7%为大专以下学历;职称结构以初、中级职称的卫生技术人员为主分别占41.4%、38.8%;有住院服务和无住院服务的妇幼保健机构注册护士/执业医师比例分别为0.6∶1、0.4∶1;市、县区级反映科研状况指标中位数为0。结论:各级妇幼保健机构人力资源存在编制不足,人才严重匮乏、医护人员结构不合理、学历职称结构偏低、科研能力不足等问题,妇幼保健人力资源建设急需加强。 Objective: To understand the status quo and differences of human resources in different levels of maternal and child health care institutions, so as to provide the basis for carrying out the construction of maternal and child health professionals. Methods: The monitoring data of maternal and child health institutions in Jilin Province were used to describe descriptively the human resource indicators of 67 maternal and child health institutions in Jilin Province. Results: According to the “Standards for the preparation of MCH institutions at all levels” (Ministry of Health), the average number of MCH institutions at provincial, city and county levels was 115.4, 29 and 29 respectively. The MCH institutions at all levels in Jilin Province, 75.7% of the health technicians have the diploma of junior college or above; 41.4% and 38.8% respectively of the professional titles are health technicians with primary and secondary professional titles; the proportion of registered nurses / practicing doctors in the MCH institutions with inpatient service and without hospitalization respectively 0.6: 1, 0.4: 1. The median of indicators reflecting the status of research in cities and counties is 0. Conclusion: There are urgent problems in the MCH maternity and human resources construction, such as inadequate preparation of human resources, serious shortage of talents, unreasonable structure of medical personnel, low grade structure of academic qualifications and insufficient scientific research capacity.
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