新型电动自行车 Powabyke 是一种电动自行车,可以满足人们想要“省力、无污染的机动化交通工具”的要隶。这辆英国设计的普通自行车最高时速可以达到24公里,采用一块12安培的密封免维护式铅酸电池,输出功率150瓦,充电一次可骑行32公里。Powabyke 有限公司首席执行官尼克·蔡尔德说:这种后轮驱动的电动自行车“为骑车不想出汗的人提供了理想的解决方案。”他解释说:“电力可以完成所有费力的工作,你只要轻松地扶好车把,因此你不会腿疼,不会出汗,不会害怕往返旅行。坡路不再会成为问题,你可以轻松地去乡间旅行,呼吸新鲜空气。”该型电动自行车对出门工作、购物和休闲非常理想。
The new electric bicycle Powabyke is an electric bicycle that can meet the needs of people who want to “powerless, pollution-free motorized vehicles.” The British-designed ordinary bicycle can reach a top speed of 24 kilometers per hour. It uses a 12-amp sealed, maintenance-free lead-acid battery with an output of 150 watts and can ride for 32 kilometers at a time. Nick Childer, CEO of Powabyke Ltd., said: This rear-wheel-drive electric bike “provides an ideal solution for those who don’t want to sweat.” He explained: "Electricity can do all the laborious work, you Just handle the handlebars with ease, so you don’t have leg pain, no sweat, no fear of going back and forth. Slopes are no longer a problem, you can easily travel to the countryside and breathe fresh air.” Ideal for work, shopping and leisure.