花木修剪的适宜时间,可以因品种和栽培目的不同而各异,一般可分为休眠期修剪和生长期修剪。 第一,休眠期修剪。多在冬季休眠期进行或早春树液刚开始流动、芽即将萌发时进行。常用于多年生木本花卉或宿根花卉。凡在当年生枝条上开花的花木,如月季、扶桑、一品红、石榴、紫薇、菊花等在休眠期重剪,可促使萌芽新梢增加开花。春季开花的品种,如碧桃、梅花、迎春等,花芽多数在上年枝条上形成,因此冬季不宜修剪,早春发芽前也不宜修剪,一般到花后才可修剪,以促使萌发新梢,形成第二年的花枝。 第二,生长期修剪。多在花木生长季节或开花之后进行,以剪梢、摘心、摘叶及剪除枯枝、病枝、徒长枝等为主,具体应根据花木长势和栽培要求适时进行。有的花木一般不需要经常修剪,如杜鹃花、茶花等为了保持树形匀称美观,可酌量剪除一部分枝条顶端,而不能强修剪。藤本花卉只要把病虫枝、密生枝、过老枝等剪除,保持通风透光即可。
Suitable time for pruning can vary according to breed and cultivation purpose, and can be divided into dormancy pruning and growth pruning. First, dormancy pruning. More in the winter dormancy or early spring tree fluid flow, the bud is about to germinate. Commonly used in perennial woody flowers or perennial flowers. Where the flowering branches in the year flowers, such as rose, hibiscus, poinsettia, pomegranate, crape myrtle, chrysanthemum and other heavy cut in the dormant period, can promote budding shoots to increase flowering. Spring flowering varieties, such as bing peach, plum blossom, spring, most buds formed in the previous year branches, so the winter should not be pruned, not suitable for pruning in early spring before germination, usually to flower after pruning, to promote the germination of new shoots, the formation of the first Two years of flowering branches. Second, the growth of pruning. More flowers and trees in the growing season or after the flowering to cut tip, topping, pick leaves and cut off the dead branches, sick branches and other mainly leggy, concrete should be based on the growth of flowers and planting requirements timely. Some flowers and trees generally do not need regular pruning, such as azaleas, Camellia, etc. In order to maintain a well-shaped tree symmetry, can be cut off some of the branches at the top, but not strong pruning. As long as the rattan flower pest branches, dense branches, old branches cut off, keep ventilation and light can be.