神州风景多名胜,佳酿无处不醉人。 1996年12月14日,位于湘西地区的吉首市楚霸酿酒厂厂长李远军带着精心酿制的“酒魂”酒,带着全体职工和土家族人民的殷殷期望,带着家乡大片森林、飞瀑形成的湿润清新的空气,风尘仆仆赶往北京,就产品的风格特点、口感判别以及企业设备配置、工艺流程等问题向这里的老专家请教。著名酒专家秦含章教授、周恒刚高级工程师、王秋芳高级工程师、索颖教授、李鹤鸣高级工程师等参加了由《中国酒》杂志社组织的“酒魂”酒品
There are many attractions in China and the wine is intoxicating everywhere. On December 14, 1996, Li Yuanjun, the director of the Chuba winery in Jishou City, Hunan Province, with his carefully brewed “Wine Spirit” wine, and with the earnest expectations of all workers and the Tujia people, took a large forest in his hometown. The moist, fresh air formed by the waterfalls rushed to Beijing to consult with the old experts on the style, taste, and configuration of the product, as well as the process flow. Famous wine experts Qin Hanzhang, Zhou Henggang senior engineer, Wang Qiufang senior engineer, Professor Soo Ying, Li Heming senior engineer participated in the “Wine Spirit” wine organized by “Chinese Wine” magazine.