Etiological Study on Cystitis Glandularis Caused by Bacterial Infection

来源 :Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Med | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiguolibbbb
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To study the relationship between bacterial infection and the etiology of cystitis glandu- laris, 36 female Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups. No intervention was given to the rats in the blank group. NS was infused into the bladder of the rats of the control group, and solution containing E. coli was injected into the bladder of experimental group. Three months later, tissue samples of bladder were collected and observed visually and under light microscope. The results showed that tissues of the blank group were normal; one sample in the control group showed Brunn’s nests and cystitis cystica, and 10 in the experimental group had the change of cystitis glandularis. Compared to the blank and control group, samples in the experimental group showed significant change (P<0.05). There were no significant difference between blank group and control group (P>0.05). It is con- cluded that bladder instillation of E. coli can induce cystitis glandularis, which confirms that infection is the cause of cystitis glandularis. To study the relationship between bacterial infection and the etiology of cystitis glandu-laris, 36 female Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups. No intervention was given to the rats in the blank group. NS was infused into the bladder of the rats of the control group, and solution containing E. coli was injected into the bladder of experimental group. Three months later, tissue samples of bladder were collected and showed visually and under light microscope. The results showed that tissues of the blank group were normal; one sample in the control group showed Brunn’s nests and cystitis cystica, and 10 in the experimental group had the change of cystitis glandularis. Compared to the blank and control group, samples in the experimental group showed significant change (P <0.05). Between blank group and control group (P> 0.05). It is con- cluded that the bladder instillation of E. coli can induce cystitis glandularis, which confirms that infection is t he cause of cystitis glandularis.
一、通过与菌体的蛋白质结合 ,使蛋白质变性、沉淀而达到抑菌或杀菌作用的有 :来苏尔、乙醇、福尔马林、红汞、苯酚等1 .来苏尔 ,即煤酚皂溶液 (含煤酚 47%~53 % ,其余是肥皂
在教学实践中 ,我们发现 ,学生在解答材料性论述题中存在的诸多问题 ,学科知识掌握得不全面、不扎实并不是主要问题 ,而是思维方法的问题。思维方法上的差异 ,直接影响学生认
著名化学家戴安邦教授早在 1989年就曾指出 :“全面的化学教学要求既传授知识和技能 ,更训练科学方法和思维 ,还培养科学精神和品质。”又说 :“实验室是培养全面化学人才的
教学方法“就是教师的工作方法。他凭藉着这些方法使学生精通知识、技能和熟练技巧。并发展他们的智力和才能。”(凯洛夫《教育学》P15 7页 )它是完成教学任务 ,达到教学目的
现行初中《物理》第二册在介绍利用电热的作用时 ,例举了电饭锅、电烘箱和孵卵器等电热恒温装置 ,但并没有具体说明恒温原理 .在教学中 ,笔者引导学生联系所学知识 ,制作水控
一、课题作业的提出随着教育改革的深入 ,人们普遍认识到 :学生的发展不在于让学生记住多少知识 ,关键在于让他们学会求知的方法 ;不仅学会 ,更要会学 ,不在于求知的结果 ,而
研究性学习纳入必修课 ,是我国普通高中课程改革的重大突破。对于这样一门全新的课程 ,如何把握其精神实质和内涵 ,如何体现研究性学习的开放性、探究性、实践性的特点 ,如何
刚刚步入初中,同学们就会从语文课本中读到安徒生的童话《皇帝的新装》。这篇童话的深刻意义却在于故事之外的联想,让我们来听听钟老师是怎么说的—— Just entering junior