此文编译自美国《外交政策》杂志 2 0 0 1年 1 /2月号 (ForeignPolicy,Jan . Feb .,2 0 0 1 ) ,作者史蒂芬·克莱斯勒 (StephenCrasner) ,斯坦福大学著名国际关系教授。在这篇文章中 ,克莱斯勒以九个问题回答了在国家主权问题上的一些争议 ,对一些有关国家主权的错误理解予以了澄清 ,这篇文章对我们认识和讨论全球化时代的国家主权有重要的借鉴意义。另外 ,克莱斯勒教授著有一本有关国家主权问题的专著 :Sovereignty :OganizedHypocrisy(Princeton :PrincetonUniversityPress,1 999)
This article is compiled from Foreign Policy Magazine January / February 2001 (2001) by Stephen Crasner, professor of international relations at Stanford University. In this article, Chrysler answered some controversies on the national sovereignty issue with nine questions and clarified some misunderstandings about the sovereignty of the country. This article is of great importance for us to understand and discuss the national sovereignty in the era of globalization The reference significance. In addition, Professor Chrysler wrote a monograph on national sovereignty: Sovereignty: Oganized Hypocrisy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999)