新生儿维生素 E 缺乏综合征多见人工喂养小儿,尤为出生体重低的早产儿。1966年由Hassan 等首先报告,国内报告不多。维生素 E缺乏综合征常见于生后4~6周发病,其主要临床表现有(1)不安宁,惊醒:(2)浮肿,多见于外阴部及下肢,可累及眼睑,面部:(3)鼻流清涕,喉部呼噜音;(4)轻度溶血性贫血及血小板增多;(5)散在红色斑丘疹及/或头皮皮脂溢出及脱发。笔者曾遇到2例。现报告如下:例1,吴××,女,孕33周早产,出生体重1750克。出生后即由产房转入儿科。人工喂养,
Neonatal vitamin E deficiency syndrome more commonly artificial feeding children, especially low birth weight premature children. In 1966, Hassan et al. First reported that there were not many domestic reports. Vitamin E deficiency syndrome is common in postnatal 4 to 6 weeks of onset, the main clinical manifestations are: (1) restless, awakened: (2) edema, more common in the genitals and lower extremities, involving the eyelids, facial: (3) (4) mild hemolytic anemia and thrombocytosis; (5) scattered red rash and / or scalp seborrhea and hair loss. I have encountered two cases. Now report as follows: Example 1, Wu × ×, female, pregnant 33 weeks premature birth, birth weight 1750 grams. After delivery from the delivery room into pediatrics. Artificial feeding,