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在多年的历史课堂教学中,我发现初中生对历史课存在着严重的厌学现象。学生认为只要看书就可了解,用不着听讲,要考高分只要死记硬背即可。事实证明这种观点是错误的,这种方法根本不可能把历史学好。因此,如何增强课堂教学的趣味性,激发学生学习的兴趣,使学生的学习变被动为主动,就成为众多教师不懈追求、不断探索的重要课题。一、讲究开头,激发兴趣俗话说:“好的开头是成功的一半。”每节课能否都有个好的开头,直接关系到这节课的成败。如果教师一上课就照本宣科,平铺直叙,就会使学生产生厌倦情绪,甚至成为催眠曲,因此必须讲究开头艺术。要尽可能一开始就引人人胜,把学生吸引住。要达到这样的效果,教师必须依据教材内容和学生实际,精心设计好每一节课的开讲导语,用别出心裁、平中有奇 In years of history class teaching, I found that junior high school students have a serious weariness phenomenon in the history class. Students think you can read as long as you know, do not need to listen, to test the high score as long as rote. Facts have proved that this view is wrong, this method simply can not learn history well. Therefore, how to enhance the interest of classroom teaching, arouse students ’interest in learning and change students’ learning from passive to active has become an important subject that many teachers are constantly pursuing and exploring continuously. First, pay attention to the beginning, to stimulate interest As the saying goes: “Good beginning is half the success.” "Each lesson can have a good beginning, is directly related to the success of this lesson. If a teacher takes a class-based instruction in a straightforward manner, he or she will be bored with emotions and even become a lullaby. Therefore, we must pay attention to the beginning of art. Be as compelling as you can get from the beginning and attract students. To achieve this effect, teachers must be based on the content of teaching materials and students’ actual, well-designed each lesson lecture introductory guide, ingenuity, the average odd
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