歌词是语言的艺术。语言是歌词借以表情达意的中介,直接影响情境的进入、音乐的流动、风格的形成。考究歌词语言的表达方式对歌词创作和欣赏十分重要。 之一:意象表达 意象,意加象或意中之象之谓也;亦即包含着某种艺术意味的物象。有人说,中国的艺术是意象的艺术,歌词何尝不是这样?纵观音乐文学的长河,实则是一条意象的河流。歌词语言的意象表达问题的复杂,从传统歌词看,有的追求“密丽”,有的追求“疏淡”;有的主张“清空”,有的主张“质实”。但就其对“象”的把握来看,歌词语言的触角都首先必触及“象”
Lyrics are the art of language. Language is the medium by which lyrics express their emotions, which directly affects the entry of context, the flow of music and the formation of style. It is very important for the creation and appreciation of lyric lyrics to master the expression of lyrics. One: the image of the expression of image, meaning plus or meaning like the meaning of that; also contains some kind of artistic meaning of the image. Some people say that the Chinese art is the art of imagery, and why not the lyrics? Looking at the long history of music literature, it is actually a river of images. The expression of the lyrics in the language is complicated. From the perspective of traditional lyrics, some seek the “beauty” and some pursue the “lightness”; some advocate “emptiness” while others advocate “the truth.” However, as far as its grasp of “elephant” is concerned, the tentacles of the lyrics language must touch the “elephant”