在西方哲学发展史上 ,“形而上学”作为科学形态出现经历了一个漫长的历史发展过程 ,而形而上学作为科学出现如何可能的问题又是困扰哲学的难题。康德首先提出了这个问题 ,但没有得到科学的解答。是黑格尔在唯心主义基础上首次全面回答和论证了这一问题 ,用恩格斯的话来说就是哲学是由黑格尔完成了 ,因为他的哲学体系乃是集以往哲学全部发展之大成 ,而且他本人给我们指出了一条走出体系迷宫 ,达到真切认识世界的途径
In the history of the development of western philosophy, “metaphysics” as a scientific form has undergone a long process of historical development. Metaphysics, as a possible problem for the emergence of science, is also a difficult problem plaguing philosophy. Kant first raised the issue, but did not get a scientific answer. Hegel first comprehensively answered and proved this question on the basis of idealism. In Engels’s words, philosophy was completed by Hegel because his philosophical system was a culmination of the complete development of the previous philosophy, and He personally pointed out to us a way out of the maze of systems to achieve a true understanding of the world