泸沽湖位于云南宁蒗县与四川盐源县交界处,据宁蒗县城75千米,是由断层陷落而形成的高原湖泊,面积约50余平方公里,在云南的湖泊中,深度仅次子抚仙湖。 世代生活在泸沽湖畔的摩梭人,已经由原始走向了现代,所以去那里,不要去指望在这片“女人的世界”里看她们原汁原味的走婚(“阿夏”婚)习俗。要想了解母系社会的特点,只有进入摩梭人的家庭中,才能感受到些什么。如果想感受质朴的民俗,那么继续往前走,到宁蒗县永宁乡去。那里有一个温泉,以前,这个温泉可以男女同浴,当然,现在也别指望了……
Lugu Lake is located at the junction of Ninglang County of Yunnan Province and Yanyuan County of Sichuan Province. It is 75 km from Ninglang County. It is a plateau lake formed by the depression and covers an area of about 50 square kilometers. Among the lakes in Yunnan Province, Fuxian Lake. Mosuo people who have lived in Lugu Lake from generation to generation have gone from primitive to modern times, so go there and do not expect to see their original custom of marriage (“Asha”) in this “woman’s world.” To understand the characteristics of the matriarchal society, only to enter the Mosuo family, what can feel. If you want to feel simple folk, then move on and go to Yongning Township, Ninglang County. Where there is a hot spring, before, this hot spring can be the same bath, of course, now do not expect ...