7月29日至8月2日,四川省科社学会、国际共运史学会、政治学会、马列学会在黔江县联合召开了1992年年会暨学习邓小平南巡谈话理论讨论会。与会代表就如何深入学习和正确把握邓小平南巡谈话的精神实质等问题进行了广泛深入的讨论。 一、关于如何全面领会和贯彻邓小平南巡谈话的精神实质问题 代表们认为,应从三个方面去把握邓小平南巡谈话的精神实质:①必须把邓小平的南巡谈话同当前国际国内的形势联系起来看,这是正确把握邓小平南巡谈话精神实质的前提。当前国际形势的特点是:虽然世界局势多变,新的热点不断产生,但和平与发展仍是当今时代的主题。
From July 29 to August 2, the Association of Scientific Societies of Sichuan Province, the Society for International Communist Movement, the Political Institute, and the Marxist-Leninist Society jointly convened the 1992 Annual Conference cum Seminar on Deng Xiaoping's Southern Talk Talks in Qianjiang County. The participants conducted extensive and in-depth discussions on how to conduct in-depth study and correctly grasp the essence of Deng Xiaoping's southern tour talk. I. On the Spiritual Essence of How to Comprehensively Understand and Implement Deng Xiaoping's Speech During the Southern Tour Talks All deputies believed that Deng Xiaoping should talk about the spirit of the interview in three aspects: ① It is necessary to link Deng Xiaoping's southern tour talk with the current international and domestic situations Look, this is a prerequisite for correctly grasping the essence of Deng Xiaoping's southern tour talk. The current international situation is characterized by the fact that although the global situation is changing and new hot spots continue to emerge, peace and development are still the main themes of our times.