Low-temperature ethanol prepared human immunoglobulin (IgG) may cause anaphylactic reaction after intravenous injection. This is due to the non-specific activation of complement due to the formation of polymeric IgG and PKA impurities during the preparation. Such polymers can be removed by gel filtration, low pH incubation, activated carbon or calcium phosphate adsorption and polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation. However, the monomer obtained in this way is very unstable, and polymerizations may still occur soon. The addition of the appropriate material prevents reaggregation, resulting in a stable, complete IgG monomer preparation. The authors selected urea-bound gelatin Haemaccel (H) and succinyl gelatin Gelofusine (G), human serum albumin (HSA), PEG, sucrose, lactulose, glucose,