目的识别、分析某石化公司新建碳酸二甲酯生产装置产生的职业病危害因素,探讨防护对策及管理措施。方法通过职业卫生现场调查、检测,收集数据和资料,采用类比法与综合分析进行职业病危害预评价。结果该项目存在的职业病危害因素有二氧化碳、环氧丙烷、甲醇以及噪声,类比检测其最高值分别为160.8、3.4、2.6 mg/m3,接触时间5 m in的噪声强度为91.3 dB(A),均低于国家职业接触限值。结论该项目产生的职业病危害是可以预防的,从职业卫生角度分析该项目是可行的。
Objective To identify and analyze the occupational hazards caused by the newly built dimethyl carbonate production facility of a petrochemical company and to discuss the countermeasures and management measures. Methods Through occupational health field survey, testing, collecting data and data, using analogy and comprehensive analysis of occupational hazards pre-evaluation. Results The occupational hazards in the project were as follows: carbon dioxide, propylene oxide, methanol and noise. The highest values of analogy detection were 160.8, 3.4 and 2.6 mg / m3 respectively, and the noise intensity of contact time 5 min was 91.3 dB (A) Are lower than the national occupational exposure limits. Conclusion The occupational hazards caused by this project can be prevented, and it is feasible to analyze the project from the perspective of occupational health.