Characteristic differences between written and spoken language and some methods in language teaching

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  Generally speaking, written English is the language to write on paper, while spoken English is the language with the mouth say it. Although both of them are used for communication, there are some aspects of difference between them."Spoken English" can be a kind of language generally used by an educated people in the usual talks or letters to friends, family and workmates, and written English are used in books, reviews, newspapers, formal letters or talks (especially to the stranger). In a word, "spoken" and "written" English are language forms in different situation.
  2. Characteristic differences between written and spoken language
  According to Discourse Analysis, there are two different paragraphs describing rainbow:
  Paragraph 1:(1)And then, in the blowing clouds, she saw a band of faint iridescence coloring in faint shadows a portion of the hill.(2)And forgetting, startled, she looked for the hovering color and saw a rainbow forming itself.(3)In one place it gleamed fiercely, and, her heart anguished with hope, she sought the shadow of iris where the bow should be.(4)Steadily the color gathered, mysteriously, from nowhere, it took presence upon itself, there was a faint, vast rainbow.
  Paragraph 2:Normally after a very heavy rain, when you're driving along the road, you' d see a series of color stripes far away. The stripes formed something like a bow or an arch. There're seven stripes of different colors in it. But it' s just a series of colors. They seem separated but they're not, because colors seem difficult to separate. Do you see what I mean?
  These two paragraphs express the same meaning. Paragraph 1 is written English, while paragraph 2 is spoken English. And we can draw characteristics from paragraph 1:(1) Each sentence is a complete sentence with acute grammar; (2) Some words come from different language, such as iridescence, iris, they are Latin or Greek vocabulary; (3) The syntax structure is complex and rigorous, and has more attributive adverbial. But paragraph 2 seems to be easy-understanding and simple:(1)Most sentences are short and with simple structure. Furthermore, there are few prepositions, conjunctions between spoken English; (2) Some interjections can be found in spoken language. So written and spoken language are now seen as alternative, “equal” systems of linguistic expression and their functions complement each other. Both of them come in many varieties. The spoken part includes speech genres of telephone conversation, public conversation, debates, interviews spontaneous speeches, and planned speeches etc. The written part includes even more, such as novels, essays, Poems, notice, even a piece of note. And we can also find features of written language in spoken language, as written texts can reveal aspects of daily conversation.   3. Some methods in our language teaching
  Brown(1987:7) is right when he says “teaching can be defined as activities which are intended to bring about learning”. That is to say, language teaching includes not only formal instruction or training in the classroom, but also other factors. Next, I will give some methods from two aspects.
  3.1.Methods in teaching spoken English
  The ability of spoken language expression is a basic ability, but how to cultivate the students’ ability of spoken language expression has become the key point which all quarters have paid attention to for many years.
  3.1.1. Retelling
  Teachers can give a written English context, and let students retell main ideas vocally, guide the student to divide long sentences into short sentences. Maybe some students have several pauses in the process of retelling, at this time, teachers should encourage students to continue their retelling. All these phenomena are the characteristics of the colloquial English.
  3.1.2. Teaching video and movie
  Making the students see something as well as hear the foreign language being used in the communicative circumstances ensures them the real usage of the language deeply, and maximally learn the native English. For example, when reaching the "greeting and introduction", we can use the audio-visual material "Go through America".
  3.2.Methods in teaching written English
  When we mention written English, the purpose of language teaching should not only be to cultivate the students' reading ability, but also aimed to cultivate one’s ability to use it. To achieve this purpose, teachers must guide learners to use proper written English. Next, I will give some examples.
  3.2.1. To require students to write some formal letter or compare informal and formal letters
  There are three sentences with same meaning:
  (1)If l can get this information at the end of this month, that' s to say, before our company' s new projects get started, I'll thank you very much.
  (2)It would be appreciated if I could get this information by the end of this month before we start work on these new projects.
  So, we can ask a student read these sentence and state their differences. Obviously, Sentence 1 is spoken English and is informal; While Sentence 2 are formal English, are written English. When we write business letters, the former isn’t feasible, and we should use written English, like the second sentence.
  3.2.2.To practice various sentence patterns and complex syntactic structure of written English
  In written language, sentences are generally structured in subject-predicate form. For example, in spoken language, we can say “The cats, did you let them out?” just to bring out the topic. On the contrary, in written language, we write sentences according to the grammar; therefore, we may write the previous sentences like “Did you let the cats out?” to express our idea correctly and directly. So, learners should have deep knowledge about syntactic structure and sentence patterns in order to distinguish spoken English and written English.
  4. Conclusion
  Accordingly, spoken English can’t be completely consistent with written English. We need to find their characteristic differences and use some proper teaching methods to guide learners to acquire the second language in order that we can use both spoken and written English properly.
【摘要】:色彩作为造型艺术的两人基本形成因素(即形与色)之一,在绘画发展中占有重要地位,但由于种种原因,在我国传统绘画理论与实践中,色彩似乎被当作一个“弱项”,长期被轻视与淡化,缺乏系统的研究。本文采用绘画理论与实践相结合的方法,对传统中国画色彩的历史作详尽的论述,并提出了思考。  【关键词】: 色彩;中国画;随类赋彩  中国画曾有瑰丽色彩表现。上古的时候,中国绘画称之为“丹青”,可看出中国画本来
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《领有名词移位与动词类型》是徐杰教授的专著《普遍语法原则与汉语语法现象》一书中的一章,也是本书的一个专题。李京廉(2002)认为本书是作者“运用当代语言学的管辖与约束理论”(即原则与参数理论),以原则为本位,研究汉语中重要的语言现象,是生成语法的理论与汉语实际相结合的新成果。”本章也主要体现了作者的这一语言研究思想,也是他一贯坚持追求的“简单、明晰、有限”的语法原则这一基本思想的成果之一。  一、
【摘要】:话语标记(discourse markers)在日常口语交谈中扮演着重要角色,本文主要探讨了话语标记“嗯”和“呃”在日常口语交流中所表现出的语义功能。在许家金的基础上,总结归纳出话语标记“嗯”的5类语义功能:强调作用、忽然明白、出乎意料、请求重复和自我确认;话语标记“呃”总结归纳出4类语义功能:思索填词、修正标记、应声回执和疑惑,意外。  【关键词】:话语标记;“嗯”、“呃”;语义探析 
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【Abstract】:As an international language, English has a wide influence. In different historical periods, vocabulary and meaning were experiencing different changes. English has borrowed many words from
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