俗话说:“人往高处走,水往低处流。”陈德明却背道而驰。他从大陆调到海岛,又从大岛跳到小岛,在平海湾的群岛上留下一串闪光的足迹。 60年代初,陈德明老师调离莆田涵江,来到交通不便、经济落后的边远小岛——南日岛。1976年,陈德明因成绩突出被调往沙洋小学任校长,为了将更多的精力投入到工作中,他举家迁往海岛。
As the saying goes: “People go height, water flows down.” Chen Deming runs counter to. He was transferred from the mainland to the island and from the Big Island to the island, leaving a glimmer of flash on the flat islands of the Pacific Ocean. In the early 60s, Chen Deming teacher transferred from Putian Han River, came to the remote and economically backward remote island - South Island. In 1976, because of his outstanding achievements, Chen Deming was transferred to Shayang Primary School as principal. In order to devote more energy to his work, he moved his family to the island.