Ecological Consequences of Land Use Change: Forest Structure and Regeneration across the Forest-gras

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wushaojunbaobao3
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The ecotone, the spatial transition zone between two vegetation communities, is claimed to have more species than the adjoining communities.However, empirical studies do not always confirm higher richness at the ecotone. The ecotone position and structure are dynamic over time and space and it is driven by the changes in climate, land use or their interaction. In this context, we assessed the forestgrassland ecotone of temperate mountains in central Nepal by i) comparing species composition and richness across the ecotone, ii) analyzing if the forestgrassland ecotone is shifting towards the grassland center by colonizing them with trees, and iii)discussing the consequence of changed disturbance regime in the dynamics of this ecotone and the surrounding grasslands. We analyzed vegetation data sampled from belt transects laid across the forestgrassland ecotone in semi-natural grassland patches.Vegetation data consisting of species richness and composition, and size structure and regeneration of the two most dominant tree species, namely Rhododendron arboreum and Abies spectabilis, from the transects, were used to analyze the trend of the forest-grassland ecotone. Forest and grasslands were different in terms of floristic composition and diversity. Vascular plant species richness linearly increased while moving from forest interior to grassland center. Spatial pattern of tree size structure and regeneration infers that forest boundary is advancing towards the grasslands at the expense of the grassland area, and tree establishment in the grasslands is part of a successional process. Temporally, tree establishment in grasslands started following the gradual decline in disturbance. We argue that local processes in terms of changed land use may best explain the phenomenon of ecotone shift and consequent forest expansion in these grasslands. We underpin the need for further research on the mechanism, rate and spatial extent of ecotone shift by using advanced tools to understand the process indepth. The ecotone, the spatial transition zone between two vegetation communities, is claimed to have more species than the adjoining communities. However, empirical studies do not always confirm higher richness at the ecotone. The ecotone position and structure are dynamic over time and space and it is driven by the changes in climate, land use or their interaction. In this context, we assessed the forestgrassland ecotone of temperate mountains in central Nepal by i) comparing species composition and richness across the ecotone, ii) analyzing if the forestgrassland ecotone is shifting towards the grassland center by colonizing them with trees, and iii) discussing the consequence of changed disturbance regime in the dynamics of this ecotone and the surrounding grasslands. .Vegetation data consisting of species richness and composition, and size structure and regenera tion of the two most dominant tree species, namely Rhododendron arboreum and Abies spectabilis, from the transects, were used to analyze the trend of the forest-grassland ecotone. Forest and grasslands were different in terms of floristic composition and diversity. Vascular plant species richness linearly increased while moving from forest interior to grassland center. Spatial pattern of tree size structure and regeneration infers that forest boundary is advancing towards the grasslands at the expense of the grassland area, and tree establishment in the grasslands is part of a successional process. Temporally , tree establishment in grasslands started following the gradual decline in disturbance. We argue that local processes in terms of changed land use may best best the phenomenon of ecotone shift and consequent forest expansion in these grasslands. We underpin the need for further research on the mechanism , rate and spatial extent of ecotone shift by using advanced tools to understand the process indepth.
【摘 要】伴随着社会的进步和国民经济的不断发展,在企业管理中,已经彰显了企业管理会计的重要性,但在我国,无论是管理会计的应用水平还是应用层次,都没有得到很好的发挥。本文首先分析了企业中管理会计的应用现状,通过对原因进行分析和查找,指出了提升管理会计作用和地位的措施和建议。  【关键词】管理会计;问题;原因;措施  随着科技的进步和社会经济的飞速发展,我国已经显著加快了管理会计的国际化进程,同时成绩
全美最佳500家企业最近由《财富》杂志排定,它们的前10位依次是通用电器、可口可乐、微软、代尔、伯克希尔、沃尔玛、西北航空、英特尔、默克多和迪斯尼。 The top 500 comp
高职院校贫困生思想政治教育工作的优化,对于贫困生群体的身心发展以及高职院校人才培养质量的持续提升具有着重要意义,因此本文在对高职院校贫困生思想政治教育工作中存在的问题作出简要论述的基础上,对高职院校贫困生思想政治工作优化策略进行了研究与探讨。  【关键词】高职院校;贫困生;思想政治教育;教育策略  相对于高职院校中的一般学生而言,贫困生群体面临着更加困窘的经济状况,并且容易形成自卑心理与敏感心理,
职业院校学生不同于普通高校大学生,职业院校的办学特点使其将教育重点放在技能培养和实践培训中,而职业素质培养和思想道德教育却是此类学校的“盲区”。本文旨在研究职业院校思想道德教育的实际情况,分析职业院校学生职业素质教育的内容和方法,找出两者之间的关联及对职业教育的意义,进而以提高职业素质为平台,达到增强思想道德教育实效性的目的。  【关键词】职业院校;思想道德教育;实效性  职业学校,学生思想教育工
摘 要:近年来,多所本科院校转向以职业技术教育为核心,淡化学科,强化专业,以培养技术技能型人才为主。高级技工院校是职业技术教育体系的重要组成部分,院校及生源有其独特性,因而培养方向、课程结构、专业基础保障措施及人才的培养模式等方面也要考虑差异化。本文旨在探讨高级技工院校室内设计人才培养改革,建立室内设计系统化培养技术技能人才体系,突出体系教学的职业性和整体性,使之更好地满足市场化发展。  关键词:
摘 要: 本研究通过对我学部“楚天技能名师”教学岗位现状进行调查,总结楚天技能名师岗位设置以来对我学部的贡献和反映出的问题。针对这些问题和不足,我学部制定了楚天技能名师的岗位管理制度,旨在让岗位建设真正落到实处。  关键词: 楚天技能名师 现状调查 岗位管理  1.“楚天技能名师”岗位在应用外国语学部的设立  根据省教育厅的规定,武汉外语外事职业学院具有设立“楚天技能名师”岗位的资格。为加强师资队