在赋学史上,庾信《愁赋》是一篇直接以人的感情为描绘对象的赋。其文本已经亡佚,在宋代的类书和古注中还存有佚文,且此赋在宋代文学中引起很大的回响,北宋诗歌中已经化用其意象,而南宋的遗民词人则喜欢整体上用“庾信《愁赋》”这个意象,以表现其亡国之余的内心痛楚。庾信《愁赋》的成功之处, 在于其运用了化虚为实、“一与多”对比、比喻、拟人、拟物等修辞手法。最后本文又从赋体文学史上作纵向的比较以见其艺术上的成功。
In the history of expedition, I believe “worry worry” is a direct human feelings as the depiction of the endowment. The text has been lost, and there are still some lost articles in the class books and ancient notes in the Song Dynasty, and the essay has aroused great repercussions in the literature of the Song Dynasty. The poems of the Northern Song Dynasty have already used their images, On the use of “庾 believe” worry worry Fu “” image, in order to show the heart of his country beyond the pain. The success of the letter “worry worry” lies in its use of virtual reality, “one versus many” contrast, analogy, anthropomorphic, pseudo-rhetoric. In the end, this article compares the vertical comparison of the history of the Chinese traditional literature to see its artistic success.