马一浮在浙大讲儒家哲学的部分 ,凡八讲 ,虽然在这八讲里面 ,主要谈的是“理气”和“知能” ,但是马一浮却以“义理名相”为副题〔1〕,表明他对于“义理名相”问题的重视。马一浮在《复性书院讲录》第二卷《群经大义总说》里 ,还有《玄言与实理之别》一文 ,实际上谈的也是与“义理与名相”同样的问题。事实上 ,马一浮关于义理名相的认识 ,也出现在他的许多讲论及著作里面。马一浮正是在这个问题下面 ,进一步阐述了他对于儒家哲学的认识 ,以及对于儒、释、道三家哲学之异同等问题的看法。因此 ,了解马一浮这部分的认识和看法 ,对于深入认识和进一步探讨他的学术思想 ,将不无裨益
Ma Yifu stresses on the part of Confucianism in Zhejiang University. Although in these eight lectures mainly talked about “qi” and “intellectual ability”, Ma Yifu used the name of “justice” as a subtitle [1] Pay attention to the problem of “name of justice”. Ma Yi floating in the “Rectification College lecture” Volume II, “General Assembly of the masses,” there, as well as “mysterious words and the difference between the truth,” a text, in fact, talk with the “justice and fame” the same problem. In fact, Ma Yifu’s notion of justice also appears in many of his discourses and writings. It is precisely under this issue that Ma Yifu further expounded his understanding of Confucianism and his views on similarities and differences between the three philosophies of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Therefore, to understand Ma Yifu’s understanding and view of this part is of great benefit to deepen understanding and further exploration of his academic ideas