利用AFLP-银染法在一对花椰菜抗、感黑腐病的近等基因系中筛选到四个与抗黑腐病性状、一个与感黑腐病性状连锁的DNA 分子标记.对其中一个400bp 的抗病标记进行Southern 杂交检测,结果表明该标记在抗病品系中存在明显的杂交信号,而在感病品系中无杂交信号.该标记测序后,通过Genbank 进行同源性检测,发现其与拟南芥菜BAC克隆F7N22 部分序列有75% 的同源性.该BAC克隆位于拟南芥菜5 号染色体的黑腐病抗性基因(rxc2)附近.这意味着该标记可能与甘蓝黑腐病抗性基因紧密连锁.
AFLP-silver staining was used to screen four DNA markers which were linked to the resistance to black rot, and to the susceptible to black rot, in a pair of near-isogenic lines resistant to causal agents and susceptible to black rot. Southern blotting analysis of one of the 400bp resistance markers showed that the marker had obvious hybridization signal in the resistant strain and no hybridization signal in the susceptible strain. After the marker was sequenced, the homology was detected by GenBank and found to be 75% homologous to the F7N22 partial sequence of Arabidopsis BAC clone. This BAC clone is located near the black rot resistance gene (rxc2) of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 5. This means that the marker may be closely linked to the cabbage black rot resistance gene.