本文叙述了在中国钛公司益阳试验厂新建的45米隧道窑系统中对攀枝花含TiO_2 46%,钙镁氧化物6%的钛精矿进行的“还原磁选”工艺全流程扩大试验,并介绍了第一批含钛铁粉的基本物化性能,粉末的烧结性能以及用于试制几种粉末冶金另件的研究结果。 扩试证明,所制得的铁粉含钛的氧化物2~3%,硫0.2%左右。虽然从杂质含量看,不符合现有部颁标准;但其主要性能与2~3级铁鳞铁粉相近似,产品质量更优越,产品出厂合格率达70%。说明该类型含钛铁粉完全可以用作一般粉末冶金原料。 从实际效果出发,笔者认为该类型铁粉的评定标准尚待商榷。
This paper describes the expansion process of “reduction magnetic separation” process of titanium dioxide containing 46% TiO_2 and 6% calcium and magnesium oxide from Panzhihua in the new 45m tunnel kiln system of Yiyang pilot plant in China. The basic physical and chemical properties of the first batch of titanium-containing iron powder, the sintering properties of the powder, and the results of the trial for the manufacture of several other pieces of powder metallurgy. Expansion test shows that the obtained iron oxide containing titanium oxide 2 to 3%, 0.2% of sulfur. Although from the impurity content, does not meet the existing ministerial standards; but its main performance and 2 to 3 iron scale similar to the iron, superior product quality, product passing rate of 70%. This type of titanium-containing iron powder can be used as a general powder metallurgy materials. Starting from the actual results, I believe that the type of iron evaluation criteria remain to be discussed.