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  1.aggressive adj. angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack侵犯的,挑衅的eg:
  As a teenger Sam was aggressive and moody. 萨姆十多岁时好斗、暴躁。
  Cheetahs are aggressive and fast. 猎豹攻击性强而且速度快。
  链接:aggression n. feelings of anger and hatred that may result in threatening or violent behaviour好斗情绪;攻击性eg:
  The research shows that computer games may cause aggression.
  (1)v. measure how heavy somebody or something by using scales称;称……重量eg:
  He weighed himself on the scale. 他在磅秤上称了称体重。
  She wighed the stone in her hand. 她用手掂了掂那块石头的重量。
  (2)v. to have a particular weight有……重;重…… eg:
  ——How much do you weigh?你体重多少?
  ——I weigh 60 kilos. 我的体重是60公斤。
  链接:weight n. how heavy sb./sth. is重量 eg:
  It is about 76 kilos in weight. 它重约76千克。
  She is trying to lose weight. 她正在设法减肥。
  3.discover v. to find sb./sth. that was hidden发现;发觉 eg:
  They discovered this beach while they were sailing around the island.
  Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure for AIDS.
  链接:cover v. to place sth. over or in front of sth. in order to hide or protect it掩蔽;遮盖eg:
  She covered the table with a newspaper. 她用报纸把桌子盖上。
  He laughed to cover his nervousness. 他哈哈大笑以掩饰他紧张的心情。
  like(喜欢)→dislike(不喜欢,讨厌) appear(出现)→disappear(消失;看不见)
  close(关闭)→disclose(揭露;透露) continue(继续)→discontinue(停止;中断)
  4.polluted adj. land, air, or water, etc. is made dirty被污染的 eg:
  The people are saving polluted environment. 人们正拯救被污染的环境。
  The polluted rivers have few creatures. 被污染的河流没什么生物。
  链接:pollute v. to add dirty or harmful substance to land, air, water, etc. so that it is no longer pleasant or safe to use污染;弄脏 eg:
  The river has been polluted with toxic waste from local factories.
  We must stop harmful gas from polluting our air. 我们必须阻止有害气体污染空气。
  pollution n. the process of making air, water, soil, etc. dirty污染;弄脏 eg:
  The air pollution is very serious. 空气污染非常严重。
  We must try our best to reduce levels of environmental pollution.
  5.suitable adj. right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion合适的;适宜的eg:
  This programme is not suitable for children. 这个节目儿童不宜。
  I don’t have anything suitable to wear for the party. 我没有适合在聚会上穿的衣服。
  链接:suitably adv. in a way that is right or appropriate合适地;适宜地eg:
  I am not really suitably dressed for a party. 我穿这样的衣服参加聚会并不十分得体。
  suit v. to be convenient or useful for sb.对某人方便;合某人心意 eg:
  If we met at two o’clock, would that suit you? 我们两点钟见面,你方便吗?
  It suits me to start work at a later time. 对我来说,最好晚一点再开始工作。
  6.disgusted adj. feeling or showing disgust 厌恶的;厌烦的eg:
  He was disgusted to see such awful living conditions.
  I was disgusted with myself for eating so much. 我吃得太多,自己觉得无地自容。
  链接:disgust n.&v. a strong feeling of dislike; dislike 厌恶;厌烦eg:
  The idea fills me with disgust. 这个想法实在让我恶心。
  What he said really disgusted me. 他说的话实在让我反感。
  7.recycle v. to treat things that have already been used so that they can be used again 再循环;回收利用eg:
  Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper. 丹麦的纸张回收率达85%。
  This box is made from recycled paper. 这箱子是用再生纸制作的。
  链接:recyclable adj. to be used again 可循环利用的eg:
  We should collect the recyclable plastic and many other materials.
  recycling n. 回收利用eg:
  Have you ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?
  He works in a recycling plant. 他在废品回收加工厂工作。
  (1)v. move somebody or something strongly towards yourself拉;拖;拔eg:
  They pulled the boat out of the water. 他们把船拉出水面。
  The cart was pulled by two horses. 那辆大车用两匹马拉着。
  (2)pull的反义词push v. make sb./sth. move forward or away from you推;移动 eg:
  You push and I’ll pull. 你推,我拉。
  We pushed and pushed but the big stone wouldn’t move.
  (1)v. stick one thing to another thing with glue 粘贴;粘合eg:
  She glued the label onto the box. 她把标签贴在箱子上。
  Glue the two pieces of cardboard together. 把这两张硬纸板粘在一起。
  (2)n. a sticky substance that is used for joining things together胶水eg:
  He bought a tube of glue. 他买了一管胶水。
  He sticks to her like glue. 他形影不离地跟着她。
  10.roof(复数roofs) n. the top of a building or car that covers it屋顶;顶;房顶eg:
  Pamirs is the roof of the world. 帕米尔高原是世界屋脊。
  You can grow some plants on the roof of a house. 你可以在屋顶种一些植物。
  链接:roofed adj. having the type of roof mentioned有……顶的 eg:
  There are rows of flat-roofed buildings here. 这里有一排排的平顶大楼。
  It is a glass-roofed table. 它是一张玻璃面的桌子。
  11.discard v. reject as unwanted丢弃;放弃eg:
  You shouldn’t discard the old newspapers. 你不应该丢弃那些旧报纸。
  We should discard the dross and select the essential. 我们应该去粗取精。
  12.society n. a group of people who join together for a particular purpose社会;社团,协会 eg:
  She joined the university film society. 她加入了大学里的电影协会。
  They were discussing the problems of western society. 他们正在讨论西方社会的问题。
  链接:social adj. connected with society and the way it is organized 社会的eg:
  Protecting environment is a very important social problem.
  He is very interested in social science. 他对社会科学非常感兴趣。
  13.inspiration n. the process that causes people to have exciting new ideas or makes them want to create sth.; a person or thing that gives you ideas which help you do something good灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物) eg:
  The beauty of the mountains was a great source of inspiration to the writer.
  Her example has been an inspiration to many young women.
  链接:inspire v. give sb. the desire, confidence to do sth. well鼓励;鼓舞eg:
  The actors inspired the kids with their enthusiasm. 演员们以热情鼓舞着孩子们。
  His super play inspired the team to a thrilling 5-0 win.
  inspiring adj. exciting and encouraging you to do or feel sth. 鼓舞人心的;激励的eg:
  He is an inspiring teacher. We all like him. 他是一个启发能力强的老师,我们都喜欢他。
  The book is less than inspiring. 那本书不大吸引人。
  (1)v. to bring or collect money or people together筹募;征集;召集;组建eg:
  We are raising money for charity. 我们在进行慈善募捐。
  He set about raising an army. 他着手组建一支部队。
  (2)v. to care for child or young animal until it is able to take care of itself抚养;养育;培养eg:
  She’s now living in Beijing but she was raised in Shijiazhuang.
  I’ve raised two children. 我已经养育了两个孩子。
  (3)v. to breed particular farm animals; to grow particular crops饲养;培育;种植eg:
  They raise sheep and fish as well as chickens and pigs.
  We raise wheat and corn every year. 每年我们种植小麦和玉米。
  (4)v. to lift or move sth. to higher level提升;举起;提起 eg:
  He raised a hand in greeting. 他扬起手表示问候。
  She raised her eyes from her work. 她停下工作,抬起头看了看。
  (5)v. to increase the amount or level of sth. 增加,提高(数量,水平等)eg:
  How can we raise standards in schools? 我们怎样才能提高学校的水平?
  I don’t want to raise her hopes. 我不想让她期望过高。
  1.be against (doing) sth. 意为“反对(做)……” eg:
  I am against letting the students play computer games. 我反对让孩子们玩电子游戏。
  be against 的反义词 be for意为“赞成” eg:
  We are for peace and against war. 我们赞成和平,反对战争。
  2.be surprised to do sth. 意为“对……感到惊讶”
  在“be+adj.+to do”结构中,不定式作原因状语。eg:
  We were surprised to hear the news. 听到这个消息我们很惊讶。
  She is pleased to meet her old friend. 见到老朋友,她非常高兴。
  3.care for 意为“关心;爱护” eg:
  How the teachers care for us! 老师多么关心我们啊!
  We should care for each other and help each other. 我们应当互相关心,互相帮助。
  care for还可意为“喜欢;想要;对……有兴趣” eg:
  Would you care for a drink? 你想喝点儿什么吗?
  He doesn’t care much for noisy places. 他不太喜欢热闹的地方。
  4.urge sb. to do sth. 意为“诚恳而强烈要求某人做某事” eg:
  Our teacher urges us to study hard. 我们老师要求我们努力学习。
  Mother urged me to finish doing my homework on time. 妈妈要求我按时完成作业。
  5.pull sth. down 意为“拆毁;摧毁;捣毁” eg:
  The old school has been pulled down. A new school is being built.
  The tall building was pulled down by the terrorists. 那幢大楼被恐怖分子摧毁了。
  pull sb. down 意为“使扫兴;贬低某人” eg:
  We should try our best to help others instead of pulling others down.
  Don’t worry. He won’t pull us down. 别担心,他不会让我们扫兴的。
  6.be made from 意为“由……制成;由……构成” eg:
  Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头制成的。
  be made of, be made in, be made by, be made into, be made up of等。
  (1)be made of 和be made from都表示某物“由……制成”, of, from后面跟表示原材料的名词,用of多指原材料在制成品中可以看得出;from后的原材料多在制成品中看不出来。eg:
  This shirt is made of cotton. 这件夹克衫是由棉布做成的。
  The wine is made from rice. 这种酒是由米酿成的。
  (2)be made in“在……地方制造”,in后跟表示地点的名词。eg:
  My watch was made in Shanghai. 我的手表是上海产的。
  The cars are made in Japan. 这些汽车是日本产的。
  (3)be made by意为“由……制造”,by后面跟动作的执行者。eg:
  The model plane was made by my father. 这个飞机模型是我爸爸制作的。
  (4)be made into…意为“制成……”。eg:
  Glass can be made into different kinds of things. 玻璃可以制成各种东西。
  Flour can be made into bread. 面粉能做成面包。
  (5)be made up of意为“由……组成”。eg:
  Japan is made up of many islands. 日本由许多岛屿组成。
  Computers are made up of many parts. 电脑由许多零件构成。
  1. discover, invent, find out
  (1)discover“发现(已经存在的东西)” eg:
  Who discovered America? 谁发现了美洲?
  The feathered dinosaur fossil was discovered in Liaoning Province.
  (2)invent“发明,创造(不曾存在的东西)” eg:
  Edison had over 1000 inventions in his life. 爱迪生一生有一千多项发明。
  Do you know who invented the plane? 你知道谁发明的飞机吗?
  (3)find out“指偶然获悉或经研究或询问得知” eg:
  When did you find out that he is a thief? 你什么时候发现他是小偷的?
  We must find out who broke the window. 我们必须查出是谁弄坏了窗户。
  2.many, much, a lot of, lots of
  (1)many, much常用于疑问句、否定句中,在陈述句中可用于so, as和too之后。eg:
  How many students are there in your class? 在你班里有多少学生?
  You made too many mistakes. 你犯的错误太多了。
  How much meat do you need? 你需要多少肉?
  Don’t eat too much rich food. 不要吃太多油腻食品。
  注意:many修饰可数名词复数, much修饰不可数名词。
  (2)a lot of 或lots of“许多”,通常用于陈述句中。既可修饰可数名词复数,也可以修饰不可数名词。eg:
  He has lots of money. 他有许多钱。
  A lot of people like Italian food. 许多人喜欢意大利食品。
一、be supposed to do句型的应用  be supposed to do在本单元是“应该,被期望,理应”之意。用来表示根据规定,人们不得不做的事,或期待发生的事。时态、人称和句式的变化在be上体现,to为不定式符号,后接动词原形。  1. be supposed to do的肯定句式:  Everyone is supposed to wear a seat belt in the
《英语课程标准》明确规定了九年级学生在阅读方面的目标与要求。目标描述的第一条就是“能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义”。因此在近年的全国各地中考题中,猜测词义也成为阅读理解考查中的“重头戏”。如何有效地猜测词的词义,也成为广大考生应考的当务之急。    一、根据下文解释猜测    [真题再现]  (2007,安徽)原文:The British and Americans may use di
财运亨通,财源不断  May good fortune find you this year. 祝您财运亨通!   Good luck in the year ahead! 祝您吉星高照!  Wishing you the best of luck in the new year.   新年行大运。  The god of wealth is in your doorway!财神到,接财神!  B
春节the Spring Festival  除夕New Year’s Eve  农历lunar calendar  正月the first month by lunar calendar  初一the beginning of New Year  元宵节The Lantern Festival  年糕New Year cake  团圆饭family reunion dinner  年夜饭the
本文所选两个案例均来自笔者日常听课所收集的材料。课题都为《牛津初中英语》8A Unit6 Vocabulary。本节课的教学重点就是学习有关天气的词语。教参上的教学目标描述为:1,识别描述天气状况的单词和短语。2,运用词汇做天气预报。3,通过学习,学生能在日常对话中谈论不同的天气状况。以下两个案例为两位教师在教授完有关天气的词汇后所做的拓展活动。
Unit 11     1. 【课本原句】Could you tell me where the restrooms are?  【思路点拨】宾语从句常由连接副词when, where, why等,连接代词what, that等引导。宾语从句的语序用陈述语序。当主句是一般现在时时,从句可根据需要使用各种时态;当主句是一般过去时时,从句只能用过去时态的某一种。例如:  Yu Yue says tha
Whether it’s curled up in the fetal position, flat on the stomach or stretched out across the bed, the way people sleep reveals their personality, a British sleep expert said.  英国睡眠研究专家说:无论你是像胎儿一样蜷缩着睡
中考英语“阅读理解”一向是中考中的“重中之重”,那么如何得高分呢? 根据教育部制定的英语课程标准,初中毕业生应达到五级综合语言运用能力。阅读理解是综合语言运用能力的一个重要方面,在中考中所占比重越来越大,这是拉开档次的题目。阅读理解主要是考查考生综合运用所学语言知识的能力,包括阅读能力、理解能力、归纳概括能力、逻辑推理能力以及对材料的评估能力等,很多同学在做题时常常出现“读得懂做不对”的现象。怎么
1. [课本原文]They are about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1,000 pounds. 它们大约有10英尺长,1,000磅重。  [点拔](1)英语中长、宽、高等的表达方式可用“数字+量词(复数)+long/wide/high…”结构,它可作表语,也可作后置定语。例如:  The street is about 200 metres long
Unit 11    1.get some information about the town打听城镇的有关情况  get some information about the town是“询问有关城镇的信息”的意思。about与on都可以表示“关于”之意,组成介词短语作后置定语,但在用法上稍有区别。用on时,常表示严肃的或学术性的,是供专门研究用的,在书面语中用得较多;用about时,表示内容