In Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller traces the tragic life of a salesman Willy Loman, who desperately desires success but finally is reduced to committing suicide. Willy’s tragedy can be partially attributed to the brutalizing social environment which deprives him of the ability and to thrive, but his own personal weaknesses and defects also contribute to the tragic factors in the play. Thus, Death of a Salesman can be interpreted as both a social tragedy and an individual tragedy.
In Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller traces the tragic life of a salesman Willy Loman, who desperately desires success but finally is reduced to committing suicide. Willy’s tragedy can be partially attributed to the brutalizing social environment which deprives him of the ability and to thrive , but his own personal weaknesses and defects also contribute to the tragic factors in the play. Thus, Death of a Salesman can be interpreted as both a social tragedy and an individual tragedy.