《史记·大宛列传》主要记载了西汉王朝鼎盛时期一汉武帝刘彻在位期间一的两个相互关联的历史事件。一个是张骞通西域,另一个是李广利伐大宛。 关于张骞通西域,古今中外学者凡论及此事者,皆交口称赞,或曰“凿空”①或曰“创举”。尽管在张骞通西域之前,一条经我国西北地区,横贯中亚细亚,越过地中海到达欧洲的“丝绸之路”就由许多民族和国家
“Historical Records Dawan Biography” mainly records the two during the reign of Han Wudi Liu Che in the heyday of the Western Han Dynasty, one of two interrelated historical events. One is Zhang Qian pass Western Regions, the other is Li Guangliu Dawan. On the Zhang Qian Tong Western Regions, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign scholars who dealt with this matter, all cross praise, or “hollow” ① or said “initiative.” Although before the Zhang Qian Tong Western Regions, a “Silk Road” that crossed the Central Asia, across Asia and the Middle East, across Europe and the Mediterranean Sea was composed of many ethnic groups and countries